
  • Amethyst



    Amethyst grew up in Phoenix Arizona with her little brother Jesse along with her mother and father. Her mother Cassandra is a native Haitian who taught her children how to speak Haitian creole when they were young. Amethyst's father Alfonso is a raging alcoholic who would abuse his wife and sometimes Amethyst. After Cassandra died from cancer Amethyst and Jesse were left with there father who became even more violent after his wife's death. After Alfonso starts to hit his son Jesse Amethyst gets fed up and runs away and takes Jesse with her. There mother had bought a house and left the siblings with enough money for them to leave and start a life far away. Amethyst loves her little brother more than anything and anyone and will do anything to protect him. Jesse if very loyal and obedient to his sister because she is the last family he has. While growing up in Phoenix Amethyst becomes friends with Bella Swan but hasn't heard from her since she moved to some little know town in Washington state.

  • Jesse



    Jesse is a happy go lucky 6 year old on the run with his older sister Amethyst. Jesse knew his father hit his mother and sister but he didn't know why. A while after his mother died he stared to get hit too. One day Amethyst helped him pack up and loaded all of their stuff into their father's car and drove off promising to never come back. Jesse is loyal to his sister and always listens to her because he doesn't want to lose the last part of his family that he has. Jesse use to hang out with Bella and Amethyst after school when they didn't want to go home.