
  • Seoniad Alistar

    Seoniad Alistar


    Seonaid (pounced Shona) Alistair is a 24-year-old Christchurch native who met Liisa and Asta when she moved school to the same as one Asta and Liisa attended. Along with the others Seonaid has an over loved dog, Seonaid has a Saluki called Aditi meaning "boundless, entire" or "freedom, security" in Sanskrit. Seonaid comes from the Gaelic language; it means “gift from God” which Seonaid likes to take literally and who could blame her? Seonaid is yet to get any facial piercing but does have her left wrist and both hips pierced along with 7 rings up the left ear and her lobes at 14mm stretch.

  • Liisa Vaara

    Liisa Vaara


    Liisa Vaara is a 24-year-old city girl originally from Helsinki Finland moved with her parents to Christchurch New Zealand when she was just the tender age of 9 there she met her best friends and taught them all the Finnish she could not forgetting the most important words, the cuss words. Liisa is impossible to pull away from her 2-year-old Kuvasz puppy, Hellion. Liisa only has one facial piercing, her septum but she has been thinking of getting something else done. Liisa also has an industrial in her left ear along with her rook pierced on the right and her lobes at a 12mm stretch. Liisa of course is a Finnish name that means, “Consecrated from God”.

  • Asta Manson

    Asta Manson


    Asta Manson is a 24-year-old small town girl from ‘The Land Of The Long White Cloud’ or New Zealand. She has her two best friends Liisa and Seonaid along with her beloved pooch Saatana a 5-year-old Leon Berger. Asta and her crew also referred to as ‘The Deadly Dames’ because of their reckless behaviour and when younger blatant disrespect for authority actually that still applies now but more so to the police than parents. Anyway they have been friends since they were 9 when Liisa moved to New Zealand from her homeland of Finland, since then they have been inseparable. Asta has the most piercing out of the lot with a total of 6. They include snakebites, septum ring, vertical labret and her lobes at 16mm stretch. Asta is a Greek name that means, “star”