
  • Amanda Hendrick

    Amanda Hendrick


    Amanda is an intelligent, breathtakingly beautiful young woman that seems to have all heads turning when she walks by. She tries her best in school and puts her entire heart into everything she works on. At home, her life is difficult, though no one would believe it by seeing her outside. Her mother left her and her brother just shortly after her third birthday. It left her father in pieces, and he soon turned into an abusive alcoholic. Her older brother, Billy, left when he was 17 to move in with a few friends, leaving her 13-year-old self to deal with the conflicts her father dealt upon her.

  • Oliver Sykes

    Oliver Sykes


    Oli and his brother, Tom, had a rough upbringing. Their mother committed suicide when he was just 10 years old and their father died from a cocaine overdose when he was 12. From then on, he and Tom were bounced back and forth from one foster home to another, until he finally ran away at the age of 16. From there, he met Jona Weinhofen, who took him under his wing, and the two eventually legally adopted Tom to get him out of the foster homes. He currently lives with Billy, Jona, Tom, and four other guests, along with Malin, who’s the token girl. He’s a popular heroin dealer in the area, from where Billy got the connection, and has an addiction to the drug, along with a possession of alcoholism.

  • John Caulfield

    John Caulfield


    John is Trace’s younger brother. He deals heroin in the Brincliffe area and is Oli’s main dealer. He works part-time at Waitrose and lives alone in the Brincliffe suburb. He’s a very caring character and often puts everyone else before himself. Like many others, he unfortunately has a serious heroin addiction. He’s been in and out of rehab on multiple occasions, but just doesn’t seem to be able to kick the habit. His dream is to eventually become a photographer, but it’s been hard for him to get his act together, and so no action has been taken to fulfill this desire.

  • Billy Hendrick

    Billy Hendrick


    Billy was the ***-up out of the two Hendrick children, which was why it was so easy for him to leave Amanda behind with her father. He currently lives with a group of six men and one girl accessory. He doesn’t have a real job—no one in the house does—but he makes a good living as a heroin dealer. He himself is not addicted to any substances, but certainly has the beginnings of an alcoholic.

  • Tom Sykes

    Tom Sykes


    Tom is very laidback and doesn’t offer much to his household other than being a kleptomaniac, along with Lee. Any time someone in the house needs something, he and Lee are the ones to get it—for free. He doesn’t have a serious addiction, per se, but he’s often seen with a joint or blunt in his hand. He doesn’t deal marijuana, but for some reason always seems to have it.

  • Jona Weinhofen

    Jona Weinhofen


    Jona came from a surprisingly good family but just seemed to end up as a societal outcast. He ran away from his home at the tender age of 15. He became a squatter in the Beauchief area, soon came in with the wrong crowd, and eventually started a bad crowd for himself—the Sykes brothers, Lee Malia, Matt Kean, Matt Nicholls, Malin Davidsson, and eventually Billy Hendrick being the ones taken under his wing. He deals a lot of miscellaneous drugs, including illegally possessed prescription pills, and is often high on Xanax or Adderall. As he’s gotten older and worn down from all of his drug use—which has been going on since age 15—Oli seems to have taken his position as “head of the household”.

  • Malin Davidsson

    Malin Davidsson


    Malin was a problem child since before she even became a part of Jona’s regime. Since she was just 12 years old, she was constantly getting into trouble at school or home, constantly coming home drunk or high, and constantly having pregnancy scares. As it turned out, she was a prostitute working for a cocaine addiction at merely 14 years of age. When she came into contact with Jona at age 16, she was taken under his wing and eventually became something like a girlfriend to him. She still works as a prostitute to pay for her ongoing coke addiction, but Jona is a sort of pimp to her; he collects her money and spaces it out so she can maximize her profits.

  • Matt Nicholls

    Matt Nicholls


    Matt was abandoned as a baby and raised in a number of foster homes. Every home, though, for whatever reason, ended up sending him back. Finally at the age of 18, he left as an adult, got a job at a local Sainsbury’s, and eventually came into contact with Jona, who offered him a nice home and an “easy getaway”. Four years later, he’s a meth addict that can’t sleep without a blunt before bed.

  • Lee Malia

    Lee Malia


    Since he was a child, Lee had always been in and out of juvenile detention centers for theft, lewd behavior, or vandalizing. He dropped out of school when he was 14, when he moved in with his aunt who was a heroin addict. His father used to molest him, and by the time Lee became a teenager, he was convicted of rape, leaving his still young son to move in with his less than fit sister. Lee had been good friends with Oli during their childhood, and they stayed somewhat in touch after the Sykes’ father’s death, so when Oli had come to be saved by Jona, the two took in Tom as well as Lee.

  • Matt “Vegan” Kean

    Matt “Vegan” Kean


    Matt is a quiet character that takes care of the house’s finances. He has a serious attraction to marijuana, though one couldn’t really say he was addicted. He enjoys old war movies and painting. He stays away from the heavy drugs the rest of his friends are into, but is a big-time pot dealer in the Ecclesall Road District, where the group’s household is located.