
  • Abella (Sissy) Volturi

    Abella (Sissy) Volturi


    Abella was created by the Volturi, hence her last name. She was a girl growing up in Rhode Island, with no friends, and a family that didn't care for her much. Then everything changes when she wakes up in Italy. She starts out as a shy, polite 13 year old, but the Volturi turn her into their princess. Her gift is affection, which means she subliminally forces people to love her, and no one can resist it. Not even sheilds. Which helps her win arguments and battles, because no matter what she does, people will still love her inside. Her gift is very subtle, so people feel slightly different around her, but THEY ARE STILL ABLE TO GET EXTREMELY UPSET WITH HER for short periods of time. She is a very powerful vampire, blessed with powers that allow her to kill with the snap of her fingers. The Volturi are sort of under her gift, and they value her too much to kill her or upset her. She gets everything she wants whenever she wants, and is impatient and spoiled. She has a good heart, but she was ruined by the Italian vampires. She is cunning and sly, but one quality has remained pure about her. She is not selfish, even though she is used to getting what she wants. She is very good at arguing and fighting, and she is very physically strong. The other vampires think of her as an object, something to possess or use, and she is aware of that. All she longs for is to hang on to someone, to know they'll always be there. She has lots of people waiting on her, and she can make them do anything. She knows a lot because she has so much time on her hands, an she studies. Mainly the census, so she knows of almost everyone who exists. Jane is secretly jealous of her, but she cares about he automatically. Jane doesn't really know how to love, so she is frequently rude to Abella. Abella's name comes from a foreign word that means "breath". Alec had named her this after she woke up from the change and was gasping for air, only to choke on it. The Volturi thought this was hilarious. They continuously tease her about this. When Abella loses her temper, she stays calm, but gets her anger through to people very well and strongly. She has only blown up a few times. Physical appearance: Large, violet eyes surrounded by clean, perfectly applied thick black eyeliner and she has abnormally long, thick eyelashes. Blonde, straight, shiny, sleek hair down to her waist. Snowy, white skin. Curvy but slim, perfect features and body. She is 5'2", and of course, was stuck at age 13 She is described as hypnotizingly beautiful, and resembles a fairy. Since she has the gift of affection and is so beautiful, she has to deal with people much older than her falling for her. She loves art and music. She draws beautifully and writes as a calligrapher does. She sings angelically, and plays violin, flute, cello, guitar, bass, drums, piano, saxophone, trumpet, xylophone, harp, pretty much if you put it in her hands she will play it like she'd studied it at Julliard her whole life. She has incredible respect for the fine arts and plays/sings/draws/listens whenever she is upset, distressed, frustrated, or angry. Her favorite artist is The Beatles. Abella is very social and loves to talk to people. She loves to express her feelings and says exactly what she thinks, unless she doesn't trust the people around her. She is very sensitive to vibes, light, and sound because of her love of music.