
  • Gretchen Yamin Manwell

    Gretchen Yamin Manwell


    Gretchen is a well-known model. Well known for her uniqueness and skill in her career as well as her haunted past. Gretchen is a very playful person but can be serious when the time calls for it. Her childhood was awkward and she didn't fit in anywhere so she became a people pleaser; more willing to give in to peer pressure at times. Although she seems to be friendly with everyone (unless you're on her bad side), she has major trust issues. She trusts next to no one. Nickname/Occasional stagename: Grym (The "Gr" from Gretchen + middle and last initials.) If you'd like to see some more pictures of what she looks like, go on Google Images or weheartit and look up Charlotte Free. Gretchen's looks are based off of her.