
  • Jan Hakala

    Jan Hakala


    Jan has a lot to compensate for. He’s shorter than he would like to be so he acts like he’s ten feet tall. He’s heavier than he would like to be so he dresses in a way that takes attention away from his build. He’s a very insecure person so he compensates by being unapologetic in his personality. He comes off as very brazen and full of himself but he doesn’t like himself at all. He has a short temper and he can be abusive. Coming from an abusive household he’s been a witness to abuse and that is perhaps part of why he perpetuates it. He tends to be a bit of misogynist, though he appreciates women for what they can offer him. The one woman he really seems to respect is his mother, who he feels is treated unfairly by his father. He is in love with Tuomas as much as he can be in love with anyone.

  • Hanna Hakala

    Hanna Hakala


    Hanna tends to be soft spoken, timid, quiet and accommodating. She loves her children very much and she does as much as she can to stand up for them and protect them, but she’s been under Pauli’s thumb for so long that she’s given up fighting him anymore. Occasionally she’ll put up a small fight, but she always looses. She’s sweet and caring; she tends to care a lot about people that she has no need to. Whenever she meets her children’s friends, boy/girlfriends, etc. she tries to get to know them and remembers to ask about them to see how they are doing. She would have liked to have done more with her life, but she rarely talks about her regrets. She has a gentle soothing singing voice and she used to sing the kids to sleep. Even as adults they are often comforted by her voice.