
  • Frank Iero

    Frank Iero


    Profession: Special Tactics And Rescue Squad officer (S.T.A.R.S) Firearm skill: 10 Unarmed skill: 10 Non-firearm weapon skill: 9 Stamina: 10 Frank is a strong person who adapts well to the situation he's in. When out of his comfort zone in social situations, sarcasm is his greatest defence mechanism. Modifying and upgrading weapons is a love of his. His favorite weapon is his Glock 35, only liking shotguns and uzis better. As well as being exceptionally gifted with firearms and non-firearm type weapons, he is blessed with good stamina and exceptional martial arts skills. Protecting others is an automatic instinct for him and he will willingly risk his own life to ensure the safety of others.

  • Bob Bryar

    Bob Bryar


    Profession: Security Guard Firearm skill: 9 Unarmed skill: 8.5 Non-firearm weapon skill: 10 Stamina: 10 Bob is very good at what he does for a living. He won't stand for any crap from anyone and will tell the person when they're wrong. His ability to throw a good punch has ensured that no one ever tries to mess with him or his friends. Unlike his good friend, Frank, Bob is sociable and connects with people easier. This makes him an approachable person with a good heart. He has strong morals but will make exceptions based on the situation. The one thing he won't do is leave a friend or loved one behind.

  • Gerard Way

    Gerard Way


    Profession: N/A. Surplus Employee back in New Jersey for eight months Firearm skill: 9 Unarmed skill: 9 Non-firearm weapon skill: 7 Stamina: 9 Gerard is an ex-drug addict and is ashamed of it. He moved to Raccoon City with his brother, Mikey, for a fresh start and new life. His strong compassion and maternal instincts for his brother can be felt by anyone who sees them together. Consequently, he has a deep hatred for cops due to his being arrested so often back in Jersey. This makes things difficult for Frank and Nick. Earning his trust can be a challenge but it can be done. He is skilled with a gun and can defend himself with or without a weapon. He prefers to be on the trigger side of a gun and have that between him and any potential threats. His distrusting nature makes him come across as quite cool and uncaring. He often blames his past for seeming this way but knows he can be caring and sympathetic when others need it.

  • Ray Toro

    Ray Toro


    Profession: Bartender Firearm skill: 6 Unarmed skill: 6.5 Non-firearm weapon skill: 7 Stamina: 8 Ray knows how to handle the ladies. He comes across as quite a cocky person and enjoys taunting people. However, he has a compassionate side in him. But he rarely lets it show due to past experiences of letting people in. To him, having a soft side makes you a wimp. His experience with a gun comes from owning a B.B gun when he was in his late teens. He did karate from the age of ten to twelve and can handle himself if necessary. Other experiences include hitting people with various objects during drunk fights. This is how he knows Frank Iero but always managed to wheedle his way out of trouble, earning a warning the second time Frank arrested him.

  • Mikey Way

    Mikey Way


    Profession: Home-working ad designer and bass teacher Firearm skill: 3 Unarmed skill: 4 Non-firearm weapon skill: 5 Stamina: 6.5 Mikey has no experience with firearms, meaning he has mediocre skill with them. He's an asthma sufferer, lowering his stamina and ability to keep up with the others. However, for an asthma sufferer, he can keep going for an impressive amount of time. He has a serious nature when needed and tends to panic if in dangerous or frightening situations. He's quite timid towards people he views as his superiors. An example would be his first encounter with Frank when he timidly asks him not to smoke due to his asthma. He has a good amount of respect towards people he doesn't know and doesn't pass judgment until he knows the person better. Gerard is Mikey's older sibling by three years. Gerard's compassion and protective instincts over Mikey are mutual.