
  • Anna



    Height: Around 5"7-5"8 Looks: You have naturally black hair with a slight curl that reaches just below your shoulders, but halfway down your back when straight. You are slightly gothic, but just dress however you like. You have piercing blue eyes (Think a cross between Ville’s Eyes (but in blue) and Dani Filth) and very pale skin. Vague Overveiw: You live in England, specifically, Merseyside. You Live with Mark, Your boyfriend. You have one tattoo, a heartagram which is the same one that Bam Margera has running down the right side of his body, but yours is horizontal, and smaller on your lower back. You are pretty, as is seemingly every Fanfiction character. You are not very confident about yourself, but don't let others show it. Music: Your favourite band is HIM, obviously! You like mostly a mixture of metal and rock, I.e. Avenged sevenfold, the 69 eyes, Daniel Lioneye, BFMV, CKY, Evanescnce, et c.