
  • Juliet Simms

    Juliet Simms


    Strong, shy but outgoing, singer. Juliet is a very compassionate girl, she writes poetry, her own songs, and plays guitar. As a young girl she was introduced to music and fell in love with it. She has know Andy Biersack since kindergarten, she's always had a crush on him, but when it comes to boys she is uber shy. They've been friends ever since

  • Andy Biersack

    Andy Biersack


    Crazy! Funny, singer for Black Veil Brides. Andy has always been the strong outgoing boy he is today. He goes for his dreams. Andy was always the one that was picked on for being, fat, 'goth', or even different. but even then he NEVER gave up. Andy has know Juliet for a long long time, they actually took guitar practice together. Juliet always listened to Andy, and that's why Andy liked her.