
  • Sarah Min Novosel(her age varies depending on which story it is)

    Sarah Min Novosel(her age varies depending on which story it is)


    Sarah is a very sweet girl. She has grown up with the boys in the band allstar weekend. She starts to become very confused when it comes to the boys of allstar weekend. She loves hanging with them. The boys love her because of her enthusiam, outlook on life, optimistic, and has ADHD just like the boys so she has the energy to show it.

  • Benny Weir

    Benny Weir


    Benny Weir (played by Atticus Mitchell) is Ethan's loud and goofy best friend. He is similar to Ethan, being geeky and book-smart. He often gets into trouble with his antics. Benny has been Ethan's best friend since they were 6 years old. He and Ethan understand each other better than anyone else, although Benny is more funny and outspoken than Ethan while Ethan is the more sarcastic one. While he is just as brave and strategically clever as his pal, Benny admits that in his case, it only applies to video games. Benny's dream is to make it big as a sorcerer and paranormal expert. He is told by his grandma that he is a spellmaster and can cast magical spells, although his magic usually goes awry due to his lack of practice and misspelling. Benny often tries to lighten the mood when things get too intense. He is girl-crazy and frequently drags Ethan into his schemes, getting them both in trouble. Despite that, Benny is a genuine friend to Ethan and is always ready to go on another adventure.

  • Ethan Morgan

    Ethan Morgan


    Ethan Morgan (played by Matthew Knight) is a geeky and sci-fi-loving 14-year-old who, along with his best friend Benny, discovers that his babysitter is a vampire who he develops a crush on. Awkward, sweet and well-meaning, Ethan just wants to have a normal high school experience, continue his unbroken streak on the honor roll and maybe date a girl. But two things make that almost impossible: The constant paranormal chaos of Whitechapel, and Benny. Ethan is a Seer, able to see visions through touch. His visions usually help him learn more about supernatural forces and how to defeat them. Ethan and his friends are mainly known as nerds at Whitechapel High, a fact Ethan is more sensitive about than his friends. Ethan lacks social skills because of which he usually finds himself lost when it comes to the complex social waters of his high school. Ethan is understood most by Benny, whom he has been best friends with since childhood. He loves playing video games and is book-smart. He is more sarcastic than Benny and thinks things through more carefully than his best friend. He is very persuadable, because of which he usually goes along with Benny in his schemes. He also shares some of Benny's girl-crazy tendencies. He is also shown to care for his loved ones and will go to any height to protect them. He is in the chess club along with Benny. Although Benny often gets the two of them into sticky situations, Ethan is usually able to find a way out.

  • Rory



    Rory (played by Cameron Kennedy) is Ethan and Benny's geeky, dimwitted vampire friend who has a hard time controlling his flying ability. He is turned into a vampire after being bitten by Erica at a vampire-infested party. No matter how odd Ethan and Benny are, Rory still manages to be the odd man out. He is even more immature than Ethan and Benny and has ideas that often gets him or all three of them into bad situations. Rory is a follower instead of a leader and has a major crush on Sarah Min. Ethan and Benny mostly try to keep Rory out of their adventures, knowing that Rory can get himself into danger with his weak intellect. Rory includes himself nevertheless and though he can be foolish, he supports Ethan and Benny to the best of his ability.

  • Sarah



    Sarah (played by Vanessa Morgan) is Jane's babysitter, although most times, she ends up babysitting Ethan and Benny, and sometimes Rory, too. By the time the pilot movie begins, she is already a new vampire, bitten by her ex-boyfriend, Jesse. Since she has not drunk human blood, she is only a fledgling, not fully human, not fully vampire. Hoping for a cure to become human again, Sarah tries her best to fit into high school and be a normal teenage girl, though she is unsuccessful in most attempts. She refrains from human blood and instead, drinks a human blood substitute that Benny's grandmother makes. Sarah usually aids Ethan and Benny in their quests to defeat supernatural forces and has excellent fighting skills. Sarah makes sure to keep her friends safe from danger and uses sarcasm often. In the first season finale, she finally turns into a full vampire when she saves Ethan after he is bitten by Jesse. Although upset at first, she is later shown to somewhat accept what she is in the end. She is best friends with Erica.

  • Erica



    Erica (played by Kate Todd) is a vampire and Sarah's best friend. She is a huge fan of the "Dusk" series. (Dusk is a parody of the twilight series) Erica becomes a vampire after being bitten in the same vampire-infested party where Rory had gotten bitten. Erica is the kind of girl who gets revenge if someone does her wrong. She used to be a nerd when human but has become beautiful and hot since becoming a vampire, a fact she is very proud of. Erica doesn't share an actual friendship with Ethan and Benny as she tends to avoid them since they are geeks. However, she speaks to them when necessary. She is annoyed mostly by Rory and makes sure not to be seen with him. However, she uses his crush on her as an advantage to get him to do things for her. Even though he is obedient, she always turns him down when he asks her out. Although Erica is conceited and shallow, she genuinely cares for Sarah and always comes through for her. In the first season finale, she supports Sarah after Sarah becomes a full vampire and tells her that they will (literally) be friends forever.

  • Jesse



    Jesse (portrayed by Joe Dinicol) is the original vampire of the entire series and the movie. He is Sarah's ex-boyfriend and is the one that bit Sarah and turned her into a fledgling. He is the main antagonist in the movie. In the original settlement of Whitechapel, he was a priest named Horace Black, and led an evil vampire cult. In recent times, he has used his immortality to stay youthful, looking like he is 17, though he is really centuries old. He planned to resurrect the ancient souls of the vampires in his cult, but is destroyed by Ethan and Benny before he can. In the first season finale, he returns from the grave after Ethan and Benny dig up and open the box he was trapped in, the Cubile Animus. He tries to convince Sarah to become a full vampire so they can be together and leave Whitechapel. When Sarah refuses, Jesse bites Ethan's wrist, compelling Sarah to save him and become a full vampire after all. Jesse leaves, unharmed, after biting Ethan, suggesting that he may return in Season 2.

  • Benny's Grandma

    Benny's Grandma


    Portrayed by Joan Gregson, Benny's Grandma is an Earth Priestess (a witch on the side of good) who knows what to do in every situation that Ethan and Benny get themselves into. She also has everything that often ends

  • Jane Morgan

    Jane Morgan


    Portrayed by Ella Jonas Farlinger, Jane Morgan is Ethan's younger, 8-year-old sister. She has her own strange view of the world around her. Jane knows Ethan is a Seer, Benny's Grandma is an Earth Priestess, Benny is a Spellmaster, and that Sarah, Rory and Erica are vampires but finds Erica weird. She blackmails Ethan into getting what she wants by threatening to tell their parents about all of Ethan, Benny, and Sarah's secret adventures. She is easily swayed by money. Although she is manipulative, she is shown to care for Ethan and shares a friendly and easy relationship with Benny. Jane seems to have certain limited abilities to cast spells.