
  • Pierce Wynter Newbridge

    Pierce Wynter Newbridge


    So, this is Pierce. Seventeen years old, and five foot nothing. Seriously underweight, and hates his life; but he hates himself even more. He has an awful life through and through, and even if you had no idea who he was you would be able to tell. From busted lips, black eyes, bruises, and cuts to broken and fractured bones. He's extremely frail and fragile, and it would seem like if you touched him or even if the wind blew, he'd get knocked over or fall. He tries to hide the fact that he's gay until the end of the book, getting him into little predicaments here and there. He tries to stay away from home as much as possible, but it's hard, considering he has no where to go. He never talks to anyone at school, he just sinks down and hides his face, hoping he'll go unnoticed. He's scared of everybody. People in general. It's rather sad...</3

  • Salem Kysen Forgrove

    Salem Kysen Forgrove


    This is Salem. He's fifteen years old and five foot eleven. He's really outgoing and hyper at school, not giving one flying *** what people have to say, which isn't much because they know he could beat the shit out of them. They've witnessed it before. There's more to him than meets the eye, like lets say when you remove his long sleeved shirts and tight skinny jeans. He's covered in scars, some being new, and some being old. Most being deep. He's really smart, so he's a junior instead of a sophmore. At home he's silent and scared, hiding from everything in his room,submerged under his blanket on his bed. His best friend is his razorblade. He has many "friends," but no real ones. Nobody knows the real Salem. He's a single child with alcoholics for parents. Good thing they're rarely home. He gets picked on at school quite a lot by the guys who are a lot bigger than him, because he can't beat them. He's slightly underweight, but the wind isn't able to knock him off his feet. He's not the same person at home... (Full picture since you can't see his eyes, go here: )

  • Eli Joshua Ferris

    Eli Joshua Ferris


    So, yeah. This is Eli. He's sixteen, and five foot eight. He's sweet, but a joker. He tries his heart out for Pierce throughout the whole story, until he walks in on... Ahaaaaaa, nevermind. In about the fourth chapter, he gets his braces taken off, Pierce and Salem being the only ones to notice. Probably the one with the best life in the whole story.