
  • Alexandria Annabelle Johnson

    Alexandria Annabelle Johnson


    Alexandria lived her entire life going through abuse. She knows no other life than being beaten every day, and has become oddly normal in her mind. Her mother died when she was seven years old, and ever since then Alexandria has been mentally and emotionally unstable. Anything that reminds Alexandria of her mother's death makes her go insane--literally. She forgets where she is, who she is, what she was doing, and why she is where she is. She goes on a violent rampage, lashing out at everyone around her. This once happened when she was in sixth grade--two desks went out the window as three books hit one poor kid's face... Alexandria's father is an alcoholic and on his drunk nights (which is every night), he beats the crap out of Alexandria. Being the only child in the family, she has no one to lean on for support and carries this burden alone. Alexandria hides her feelings and her home life from everyone, even her best friends. At school, she is fun, laid back, kind, friendly, a little hyper at times, and a trustworthy person. However, all she really is is broken. She has an extreme inability to trust and she has turned to cutting to try and lift the heavy burden that has been thrust upon her. She is not the most stable person and she is rather clumsy. She will throw emotional fits and start crying at random times... All other information about Alexandria is unknown.