
  • 1057



    Name: 1057 (one zero five seven) || Human name: Lawrence || Aparent age: 17 || Actual age: 154 || Race: Half Demon || Demon Type: Cambion (offspring of an Incubi and a Human) ||||||| Subject 1057 although his calm and soothing aspect, fruit of his genetics, is a very volatile and unstable individual. He is not to be left alone with humans at any cost, for he might slay them "because they annoy him". ||||||| He is to not be separated from the company of subject 7054, as he can and will go into a blind fit of rage and destroy anything in his path until he finds him. Subject 7054 is also not to be harm, and accidents are to be avoided at all costs, due to the fact that if subject 1057 sees any sign of harm on him he will seek out the culprit, torture him, kill him and finally eat his remains. ||||||| Level of danger: Only available to members of Sector A.