
  • Malon



    ~”Where’s my dad when all this is happening? o.o” Poor poor Malon... She was stolen from the farm one day, and hasn’t returned since! First, she was forced to marry Ganondorf. Then, she was forced to give him a CHILD (like EW). And third, she was stolen yet again -- but this time by Vaati! Well, actually that’s not too bad. But still, she hasn’t been having very good luck! Despite all this, she still stays optimistic and is a very carefree spirit. She’s still friends with Link, and she also still loves to sing.

  • Demon Lord Ghirahim

    Demon Lord Ghirahim


    ~"The sight of your appalling hair makes my gorge rise!" Ghirahim is sadly not a gay mime, despite what everyone claims. He's pretty much a creepy pedophile (NO JOKE) and has this weird tongue thing... which is also creepy. He serves Demise and is hated by everyone... except Rabia, who thinks he's oddly sexy for some reason. Ew.

  • King Demise

    King Demise


    ~"Why do I get stuck with the useless servant?! And write me a damn bio, Shukaku!" Fine, I'll finally write you a bio, Demise. Sheesh... Well, Demise thinks he's awesome -- I'll hand it to him, he's not that bad. Everyone(ish) knows the story of how his hatred was going to be reincarnated blah blah, he's king of demons blahhh... Oh, and he has fiery hair. It's rad. There, bio done. Ohh and look, you and Ghirahim have matching pictures, how cuuuute! You guys are so sweet-LOLOLJKZ YOU GUYS ARE ***ING ASSHOLES.