
  • Captain Jack Harkness

    Captain Jack Harkness


    Captain Jack Harkness was born in the year 1983 to a middle class family who lived in a outside suburb of New York City. Jack Harkness was 18 years old as he joined the army in downtown New York City on September 11th, 2001. 9/11 was caused by the aliens Raxacoricofallapatorians, they seized control of the United States in an effort to start a nuclear war. The Raxacoricofallapatorius later continued to create terror on Earth and then on other plants. This later caused Jack to be promoted to a Time Agent 15 years later, where he turned immortal at the age of 35 from a freak accident. He spent thousands of years looking for a crew, deciding whether he should go back into the past to stop 9/11 from happening. At the age of 1,015 he spent 28 years working with his first crew member, Sona Thindrel. Finally at the age of 1,043 he had a full crew on his spaceship: Jax, Min, Sona, and Zeke.

  • Sona Thindrel

    Sona Thindrel


    Sona Thindrel is a human born in the year 2979 on the 3FPEC Spaceship carrying many people from Pensacola, Florida after Earth was defeated and taken over by the Raxacoricofallapatorians. At the age of 16 she was drafted into the Time Agency when many wars with Earth were still continuing in space. Sona was transported to the 0TTAB Spaceship where the Time Agency base was located, where many other people were drafted. There she learned many languages, how to fight in space in many different scenarios, and where Sona specialized in being a second in command officer. Three years later Sona joined Captain Jack Harkness and became his first mate, she fell in love with him as they worked alone together for 28 years. When she was 41 years old Captain Jack Harkness decided to recruit more crew members, Jax Fitrei and Min were the first.

  • Jax Fitrei

    Jax Fitrei


    Jax Fitrei is a 30 year old human who after being born in the year 2996 was found on the 10HKK Spaceship carrying many people from Kyoto, Japan after Earth was defeated and taken over by the Raxacoricofallapatorians. Jax was adopted by a retired veteran and since at a young age he was always a trouble maker, he never made good grades or did what he was told. So 10HKK officials forced him into training to become eligible to be drafted in the Time Agency to fight in the many wars that were still continuing in space. Jax was transported to the 0TTAB Spaceship where the Time Agency base was located, where many other people were drafted. There he learned many languages, how to fight in space in many different scenarios, and when of age he specialized in aerospace engineering. However, because of his bad behavior he was always transported to different spaceships because no one wanted to deal with him. At the age of 23 he met 21 year old Min on the BMW spaceship, where they became great friends. A year later he and Min joined Captain Jack Harkness who only had one crew member on his spaceship, Sona Thindrel.

  • Min



    Min is a 27 year old Orion from the beta quadrant of the Milky Way. She was born in the year 2999 as a green Orion with orange hair to a average Orion family, which consists of a female slave and a male owner. After the Raxacoricofallapatorians took over Earth they also took over many other places in space, the Milky Way was one of them. Min and few of her people were transported to a spaceship of Earth's and were transported to there own ship, BMW. Later when Min was of age she was forced to enter into the Time Agency to fight along with planet Earth and others to defeat the Raxacoricofallapatorians. She was transported to the 0TTAB Spaceship where the Time Agency base was located, where many other people were drafted. There Min learned many languages, how to fight in space in many different scenarios, and she specialized in computer programming. After being fully trained she was sent back to the BMW spaceship where she met Jax, they became great friends. A year later Min and Jax joined Captain Jack Harkness who only had one crew member on his spaceship, Sona Thindrel.

  • Zeke Loorka

    Zeke Loorka


    Zeke Loorka is a handsome 26 year old human who comes from people of the planet Earth. Zeke was born in the year 3000 on the 3CLAC Spaceship carrying many people from Los Angeles after Earth was defeated and taken over by the Raxacoricofallapatorians. At the age of 16 he was drafted into the Time Agency when many wars with Earth were still continuing in space. Zeke was transported to the 0TTAB Spaceship where the Time Agency base was located, where many other people were drafted. There he learned many languages, how to fight in space in many different scenarios, and he specialized in navigating spaceships. He spent 7 years in the Time Agency fighting against the enemies of Earth, until he met Captain Jack Harkness and some of his crew at the age of 23.

  • Koyi `nilim

    Koyi `nilim


    Koyi `nilim is a 19 year old Twi'lek who was born in the year 3007 on a Ryloth spaceship sometime in the war against the Raxacoricofallapatorians. She was born into a Time Agency family who trains and lives for war, so Koyi was trained at an early age. At 16 years old Koyi was at the top of the drafting list from Ryloth for the Time Agency. Koyi willingly joined and chose not to specialize in anything, she wanted to do it all. Two years later she was the last to join Captain Jack Harkness and his crew.