
  • Micah Schäfer

    Micah Schäfer


    Micah cross-dressed as a girl so he could continue going to a prestigious high school. Micah's hair is naturally dark brown and (without the extensions) shoulder length and shaggy. Despite his two years of cross-dressing he still keeps up regular male-behavior and his oblique personality. He lives with his only family he's got left, his brother Oli. Micah's vague and distant, but when he's not stuck in his past he's humorous and entertaining. He doesn't listen to what others say, which makes him seem stubborn. He used to live in Canada, but after middle school his brother moved them to the United States to escape a horrific past that still lingers on Micah's mind.

  • Oliver "Oli" Schäfer

    Oliver "Oli" Schäfer


    Oli is Micah's older brother and guardian. When they were younger (although, Micah doesn't remember it) their parents died and Oli took on the responsibilities of raising him. Oli was able to finish school while they were both in the care of their aunt, until she committed suicide after the death of her sister was too hard to bear. Oli was old enough to raise Micah by then. They lived happily in Canada until the death of Micah's childhood best friend and Oli moved them to the U.S. for a fresh start at life. Oli forces Micah to keep up the girl-appearance so he can continue going to the prestigious high school. Oli, despite his maturity in serious matters, is quite childish. He teases his younger brother with ease and doesn't think much of Aiden. He's care-free and calm and cares (maybe too much) about his baby brother, Micah.

  • Lenka Holender

    Lenka Holender


    Micah's childhood best friend and first love. Lenka was full of energy. He was curious and saw everything wonderful in the world. He was constantly a source of inspiration for Micah, and maybe he still is. He had no fear of anything and he was remarkably brave. He never worried about what people thought and he never had a care in the world. Lenka died at the age of thirteen.