
  • Charlotte Ann Marie Hudson Ashdown

    Charlotte Ann Marie Hudson Ashdown


    Young and a dreamer, Charlotte believes fiercely that true love is something more than something in story books. However, she is married to the Duke Peter Ashdown, and finds it impossible to love a man so cold and unagreeable. She is rather well read for a women in her time, but does not use this for any advantage. She attempts to be a good wife for her husband and is determined to be a lady just like her mother was. Her mother is like an idol to her, and her greatest dream is to achieve the amount of respect her mother had from society.

  • Duke Peter Ashdown

    Duke Peter Ashdown


    When he was fourteen, the Duke's parents died and he was given sole ownership of all of the family's wealth and estates. His younger sister was sent to boarding school, and he was left to be raised by an elderly uncle. Once he was of age, he was free to live at Branburn, his estate, and do as he pleased. However, it came about that he would need a wife to secure his sole ownership of the family's wealth. So when he turned twenty seven, he was married to Charlotte. Though he does not love her or find her in the least bit interesting, he does admire her for her gracious manners and ladylike composure.

  • Ellen Marie Ashdown

    Ellen Marie Ashdown


    The Duke's young sister, she was sent away to boarding school when their parent's passed away. She has been there ever since, occasionally visiting her brother for long periods of times. She adores her brother's wife, Charlotte, though she sometimes finds that her sister in law is a little bit to "complacent". Ellen is notorious for her sharp tongue and often pays no heed to society's "stupid rules" as she calls them.