
  • David Porter.

    David Porter.

    How do you change what once was? How do we go back to where we were? Is there any way to even do that when someone has "officially" moved on? I have made a career for myself, met an amazing woman named Kiley who I am sure is the one for me, and not because of her good looks.....right?

  • Nathan Phelps.

    Nathan Phelps.

    I don't mean to gamble with Monique's heart. Honestly. I'm just not ready for what she wants, considering what happened when we were in Highschool. I love her, don't get me wrong, I just need time to think....right?

  • John & Gaby.

    John & Gaby.


    The most weirdest couple. Gaby is Monique's best friend, and John is David's.