
  • Cassey Porter

    Cassey Porter


    Fiery red mane of wavy long hair that falls over one eye and then waterfalls just 4 inches below her shoulders. Vibrant green eyes framed by long dark eyelashes. Pale pink lips surrounded by pale skin. Freckles splashed across her nose and underneath her eyes. Pale, pale skin covered in scars. Short torso with a slim stomach stretching into long legs. Skinny enough to be healthy, but not so that she looks like a stick figure. Almost always wears a long sleeved shirt or hoodie to cover the most prominent scars covering her arms, usually wears jeans for the same reason though sometimes skirts or shorts since the scars are less visible on her legs unless really close. Cassey is very sweet and caring, to someone close. She is very quiet but is not at all shy. She's never thought of herself as beautiful, nor has she ever cared if she looked pretty to other people. She is very protective of herself, worried to get hurt. After all that's happened in her life, she doesn't believe in fairytales. She's headstrong and independent, but she needs someone to help her hold herself up at times.