
  • Garideth Leigh Vulcan, "Gari"

    Garideth Leigh Vulcan, "Gari"


    Natural, long, straight blonde hair. Blue/grey/green eyes that change colors depending on her mood, gold flecks around pupils. Almost 5'11''. Thin and muscular. Pale. Dresses in dark colors, usually skinny jeans, dark shirts, and slightly heeled boots. Has a hunter's bracelet and a few tattoos, including the anti-possession tattoo, of course. NOT a people-person. Has a dark, sarcastic sense of humor. Has major trust issues and is very secretive about her past. Angers easily and is not quick to forgive. However, she's fiercely loyal and is pretty damn good to have in a fight. Tries to hide her soft, vulnerable side, and only a few people can see past her tough exterior. Actually pretty nice and kind of spastic when she's in a good mood. Loves any type of rock music, Kingdom Hearts, and anything "Tolkien-esque." Interests aren't all that mature, a fact which she is not ashamed of in the least. Is an atheist. Is a vegetarian. Despises Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. Father blamed her for her mother leaving and began to abuse her. Best friend is Ella, who is practically her sister, seeing as they've been inseparable for about ten years. Considers her "real" father to be Greg, Ella's dad, who took her in and treated her as his own. Has these mysterious powers that enable her to do a number of things, including healing and killing demons with her mind. Knows nothing about her mother, and almost nothing about her powers. Constantly trying to discover more about herself. Hates all things Winchester with a passion.

  • Eloise Amelia Harken, "Ella"

    Eloise Amelia Harken, "Ella"


    Wildly curly, long, strawberry blonde hair. Big, sapphire blue eyes. Around 5 feet tall. Slightly curvy, but still physically fit. Surprisingly tough for her size. Lightly tanned. As Gari says, she has a "baby face." Freckles across nose. Dresses in earthy tones and loves floral prints. Quite girly when she gets the chance. Refuses to get the tattoo, so instead wears a charm around neck that protects from possession. Loves people. Very outgoing. Very forgiving. Hard to anger, but otherwise overly emotional. Boy crazy. Slightly childish. VERY spastic. Seems to live in her own world where everything is perfect. Actually, she pretends so she can avoid how awful the world really is. Best friend is Gari, whom she and her father took in about ten years ago after her sister, Camilla, was ***ed by a werewolf. Gets very obsessive whenever she hears of a werewolf case. Constantly trying to finish what her father started and kill the werewolf that killed her sister. Mother died giving birth to her. Father (Greg) died on a case with John Winchester. Try as she might, she can't hate people. No matter what they've done. It's just not in her nature.