
  • Jeremy



    The main protagonist of the story, Jeremy is a 16-year-old American-born Chinese, and has Black hair. He goes to Bethel high school, and thinks everything is boring, until he went back into time. He likes the color black and any dark shade of blue, often seen wearing a lot of black until he went back in time. Jeremy has the ability to quickly understand situations and analyze them, although he has to notice them first, which is a bit of a problem for him, as he is also absent-minded and has ADHD. So if he even notices them in the first place, he'll easily get distracted when he is analyzing the situation. He also has an incredible memory, although he doesn't think he does. His biggest flaw would probably be procrastination, and the fact that he is entirely clueless about situations involving romance/emotion of any kind, so may not be able to show them in the story well. (It is in his perspective after all) He also doesn't describe very well, either, as he doesn't notice much. As for proficiency in the various weapons one can use in Lehrail, as a fighter he can use the rapier, sword, lance, and staff (for physical attacks, not magic), all with horrible skill. As a bard, the only thing he's good at is his violin playing skills. He can't tell stories, sing, or play any other instruments because he had no training in that area. Of course, he may improve over the course of the story...

  • Leona



    Leona (her real name is Lenora) is a 16 year old girl who lived in Raalte. If this story was told by a bard, she would be the main character, but since it's entirely from Jeremy's point of view, she doesn't get as many appearances as a main charcter should. But she's still an important character. Leona soon finds out that she is the daughter of the Good King Raymond of Thrycia. She can wield lances and spears with great proficiency, although it is currently unknown why or how she learned how to fight since she lived in the countryside (in other words Raalte)...