
  • Rayne Taylor

    Rayne Taylor


    Born with a mop of blonde hair on her head, Rayne Taylor was created to be a rockstar. From the early age of 3, she banged on pots and pans, creating melodies out of noise. At age 7, she was given an electric guitar with an old, almost useless amp. Still, she made the most out of it. Her blonde hair soon became streaked pink. She became the rebellious punk rocker everyone expected her to be. Her parents' divorce gave her more rage and inspiration. Rarely home, Rayne hated authority and jocks. Rayne Taylor became the punk rocker of a generation that simply did not understand rock. Rayne Taylor rebelled not only against the norm, but also against authority. Rayne Taylor simply did not care about anything but herself.

  • Samuel Wilson

    Samuel Wilson


    Scruffy faced and piercing blue eyes, Sam was considered attractive by most. Yet, his mysterious personality could sometimes turn people off. Instead of making friends and hanging out with them, Sam Wilson went home and drew on his wooden easel. His room was frequently splattered by paint. His homework was rarely done when he was in high school. At 21, Sam did not change. His life revolved around art and concerts. Though he'd had his share of girlfriends, they simply could not keep up with his deep, intellectual thoughts. On the outside, he was Samuel Wilson, quiet guy. Yet on the inside, he raged with thoughts. He thought of ways to end oppression and world hunger. Sam Wilson was no regular guy.

  • Aliyah Aaronson

    Aliyah Aaronson


    Aliyah is a short, sightly underweight girl who can claim herself as a genius. With jet black hair that's naturally silky and straight, she shouldn't have to try hard to fit in. But, for some reason, Aliyah's personality lacks something and she doesn't have any friends. The closest thing to friends she has is her bandmates. At twelve, Aliyah started playing the bass, simply because she didn't know anyone else that did. She mastered the instrument and fell in love with music. When she heard an upperclassmen was looking for a bass player for her band, Aliyah thought she might have a chance at having friends. But even though she was a great musician, Aliyah always felt Rayne's hatred.

  • Hailey Brown

    Hailey Brown


    Hailey lived for the drums. She knew other people that played the drums, but everyone else cared for other things too. Hailey never had. All she knew was the drums. She wore the same clothes and hadn't shopped since her overweight days in high school, rendering her the girl with the baggiest clothes. She cut her own hair and kept blunt bangs, because she was too lazy to find another hairstyle. Her heart lay in playing the drums. She rarely spoke, and when she did, no one really listened. She had learned it was best to keep her mouth shut. Although Hailey had never had a real relationship, she was pretty sure she liked girls. She never thought of guys as good-looking, but sometimes, she'd think some girls were pretty.