
  • Kendall Masters

    Kendall Masters


    Kendall always had a tough time making friends, that was until she met Matt. They hit it off, and instantly became friends. Soon she met the guys and became friends with them as well, but other than them she had no friends. Her and Matt were inseperable, that was until the gus went off to tour, leaving Kendall all alone. Before he left though matt amde Kendall a promise, but he broke it, and now Kendall is broken too. She used to be a sweet girl, she never drank, or smoked or anything like that. When the promise is broke though she changes she becomes depressed, lonely, she sarts to drinkand smoke, and she startes to cut. Everyone is worried about her except her bestfriend and his friends who are just coming back from their half a year tour. Once they are back will Kendall go back to beigherself or will it be to late.