
  • Alexis Stone a.k.a. child star Stellar "Stella" Thomas

    Alexis Stone a.k.a. child star Stellar "Stella" Thomas


    Tall and limber, a dancer's body but hardly the grace. She's fun and friendly, though she is known for some road rage from time to time (but in L.A. traffic, who wouldn't be?). Very giving and caring, always gives money to a Salvation army bucket or cancer jar. She'll buy meals for homeless people and pass them out from time to time. On the flip side, she's a partier. She can drink with the best of them and does. Frequently. Though as a lady, she always knows when to make her exit. Her eyes are blue and her hair is thick, curly and brown. She's vivacious and infectious. There's hardly a person that doesn't have a good time around her. She's not ashamed of her former career in the limelight. She loves it for what it was and now she's moving on. Until she was fifteen she lived in an orphanage, despite her fame. Most of her money was spent on the orphanage and the kids in it. On the day she turned fifteen, her biological parents came to bring her their home in Beverley Hills, which she did under the condition that Sylvia, the aging Romani woman that ran the orphanage and took care of Alexis her whole life, was to come with her as well. Her parents happily agreed and set the woman up in their guest house on the property. Alexis thinks in cartoons and laughs outright often and confuses the people around her. She'll draw out the cartoons sometimes, but more often then not she's the only one that gets them. Occasionally, she'll speak with a different accent, either because the word sounds cool or because she feels like it. Currently, she's modeling, though it won't last too much longer. Tired of being in front of the camera, she's decided that voice acting is where she's headed next. Having done it a few times in her career already, she's prepared and excited especially since the show she'll be debuting in is one she's created herself, writing, artwork, and all.

  • Zack "Zacky Vengeance" Baker

    Zack "Zacky Vengeance" Baker


    He's depressed and angry, about Jimmy dying and about Gena leaving. It's all too much, too soon. He feels like he's suffocating, drowning alone and in the dark. It's hard to get out of bed some days and other's it's hard to put down his guitar. He's tired and growing bitter. The only thing that seems to make him smile these days is a show on Adult Swim called "Monster Mash." It had all the old classic baddies like Dracula and Frankenstein, all with cheesy names like Drake Ula and Frankie Stein, and they get together, all upset that no one's afraid of them anymore because of Jason Voorhees and all the other new baddies, and form a band. It is weird and sometimes awkward, but it brings him out of his funk so he's not complaining.