
  • Rangiku Matsumoto

    Rangiku Matsumoto


    she is very easy going and free spirited. She tends to slack off and hates paperwork. Rangiku is not the slightest bit of modest of her appearance [because of her very large breasts]. She has a strange taste to food. She is sensitive to the feelings of others, she is extremely serious when needed and is a capable fighter. Best shown when she uses her clever teasing to manipulate.

  • Sakura Matsumoto

    Sakura Matsumoto


    Sakura is the splitting girl image of her father, said by her mother Rangiku Matsumoto. Her eyes and hair color are the color of her father's. But she has Rangiku's curves and a mix of both their personalities. Sakura is the 3rd seat member of squad 10, meaning shes 3rd in command after Rangiku. Sakura has never met nor seen her father,or no who he is, only heard a few things from Rangiku. Sakura is very mysterious and sarcastic at times. People find it very scary when Sakura is angry even Rukia noted to herself that she felt like she was being strangled by snakes (when angered). She is a very strong and skilled fighter, even beated a few members from squads. Her zanpacto's name is Furasshukiru. Her zanpakto is blood red and the spear is raven black. When her sword is in shikai, it turns invisible and no one can sence or see it, and it can instantly slice/kill anything on contact, and she says "Soar, Furasshukiru". But when using bankai [yes she's mastered it, only Rangiku and Toshiro know], her bankai turns into 2 hand spears. She says "Fade, Furasshukiru", the spears and her disappear like mist. No one can sence her or her sword, during bankai. With those 2 spears, they can stretch far and slice on contact, like her shikai, but she is still invisible. She also is teasing, polite, kind, and can be a slacker here and there but pulls her self together. Dried persimmons is her favorite food, she cares for her mother most, and has a normal fashion but mostly likes to wear kimonos. Her bankai zanpakto appearance: *another photo of Sakura is also the cover of this story*

  • Furrasshukiru



    She is the zanpakto of Sakura, this is Furrasshukiru in her manfestested form Her abilities are to be able to turn invisible and non senceable. With that, she can slice/kill anything on contact. She has blood red hair and raven black eyes. Even though they are connected life most, Furrasshukiru and Sakura are both a bit opposite. Personality wise, she is cold and shows no mercy or pity when killing her victims. She can be kind on occasions, mostly towards to Sakura and is very loyal to her master. Another difference is clothing: Sakura likes to calm and collected, always wearing kimonos because she doesn't like to show off her body. Rather, Furrasshukiru's usual attire is a tight leather very revealing corset like dress that stops at the very top region of her thighs. Her cleavage is exposed while she has a choker around her neck made of lace, black metal, and in the center: a tiny skull made of onyx crystal. She sports black leather high heeled boots and leather gloves.