
  • Peter Pan

    Peter Pan


    Peter is assumed to be between the ages of nine to twelve, but no one is quite sure because he never grows up. He lives in Never Never Land with a gang of boys he's saved from their prams and often has great adventures with them. He is said to be the heart of Neverland and is very much respected by other inhabitants of the island. He is light and childlike, he enjoys games that are both fun and dangerous to him. His best friend is a fairy named Tinkerbell and he loves stories. Aside from his happy go lucky demeanor Peter often grows frustrated with "grown up things" like feelings or responsibility. But like all children he just wants love and attention.

  • Melody Jones

    Melody Jones


    Melody is a direct descendant of Wendy Darling. At age six she first travels to Neverland and returns again when she is eight and another time when she is ten. After that last adventure Peter seems to disappear from her life until he returns again at age 16. Melody never wants to truly grow up and has only ever loved one boy, and that's her hero Peter Pan. She loves telling stories and refuses to see any other boy. She misses Peter dreadfully when she is gone and is punished for daydreaming. Melody is hopeful and optimistic, a social butterfly and the apple of her mother's eye.

  • Erick Jones

    Erick Jones


    Erick is Melody's baby brother. He loves Melody and her stories and considered his older sister to be his best friend. Never has he had the chance to go to Neverland until Peter comes to take Melody when she is 16.

  • Tootles



    He is described as the most humble of the Lost Boys because of his terrible luck with adventures: as soon as Tootles goes away to complete a chore or some such, bloody battles and thrilling adventures take place. Because of this, he has become accepting of his lot in life, and he is much sweeter for it. When Wendy first came to Neverland it was Tootles who shot her from the sky and angered Peter.

  • Nibs



    Nibs is described as happy, joyful and debonair, possibly the bravest Lost Boy. He says the only thing he remembers about his mother is that she always wanted a check-book; he says he would love to give her one- if he knew what it was.

  • Slightly



    Slightly often provides comic relief. He is described as the most conceited of the boys, because he believes that he, unlike the others, remembers what life was like before he was "lost." However, most of his "memories" are either based on misunderstandings or pure fabrications: one example is that he claims to know what his last name is— his pinafore had the words "Slightly Soiled" written on the tag. Slightly is, apparently, a poor make-believer, but he does seem to have a talent for music; he is described as cutting whistles and flutes from the branches of trees and dancing to tunes he creates himself.

  • Curly



    Curly is a common favorite. Curly gets into trouble, described as a pickle (a person who gets into pickles). Curly also is told to have curly hair to go with his name of course. He isn't very smart but very lovable. Also Curly is a little timid but still has a kind heart.

  • The Twins

    The Twins


    First and Second Twin know little about themselves- they are not allowed to, because Peter Pan does not know what Twins are, and no Lost Boy is allowed to know anything that Peter doesn't. They look nothing like each other and each finishes the other's sentences. When they have a falling out with each other, one cannot finish the other's sentences. The Underground House goes into turmoil as a result, until they are reunited.