
  • Isobella Santos

    Isobella Santos


    Isobella Santos isn't exactly your average girl. She has her flaws, but she acknowledges them. She's 18, and just finishing high school. But starting fresh, hundreds of miles away isn't always easy. Especially for a formally bullied and abused girl. She hates when you call her Bella, or Bells. Only one person in the world can call her that; her best friend, Sam Smith. She would prefer to be called Izzy. When you offend anything she loves or believes in, you won't live another day to tell the story of what happened. She keeps her head held high, even when she's crumbling inside. That's just how her mother taught her. She comes from a Mexican heritage, and is proud of it.

  • Samuel Smith

    Samuel Smith


    Being a bisexual, 18 year old boy, Sam isn't very popular. He has his flaws, but loves them all the same. He hates when you call him Sammy, only his best friend can call him that. He's very flirtatious and girly, but very attractive all the while. He's majorly overprotective of his best friend, Isobella. They went through everything together; starting with kindnergarten. He won't ever be the one to tell you your flaws, unless they're hurting you. He thinks everyone is perfectly innocent, until they prove to him that they did something to change that reputation. He would never leave your side if you needed him. He gets his wit, and short temper from his Polish heritage. He loves to put a smile on that beautiful face of yours, and would go to the moon and back to keep it there.

  • Andrew Santos

    Andrew Santos


    Andrew is really teritorial, and protective over the people he cares about most. When he was in high school, he used to secretly beat up all of the people who ever made fun of his sister, Isobella. His mother and his sister are the two most important things in the world. He doesn't like any male figures who Hang around Isobella or his mother, because he had seen the pattern in the family. His grandmother had passed away because of her abusive relationship. His mother was abused for 10 years, and it's his biggest fear that Isobella follows in the same footsteps. He would do absolutely anything for his family. He's only had two girlfriends his entire life. He fears that he is going to follow in his fathers footsteps. So as a consequence of that, if he ever gets the slightest bit angry at a girlfriend, he leaves and never talks to her again. Do you see how torn apart this family is now? And it's only because of ONE person from 11 years ago.

  • Selena Terrance (Tony's Girlfriend)

    Selena Terrance (Tony's Girlfriend)


    Selena's all about herself. She's been with more guys than she can count. She often make's fun of other girls to make herself feel superior. She doesn't love Tony, or ever like him for this matter. She has a little crush on Vic, but he doesn't realize she's there. Getting with Tony was the easiest way of getting to Vic. She hates "Izzy" or whatever her name is. She's a slut, and a bitch. Her parents are teachers. She lives in her own penthouse because of their money. Her entire life, she's always had things handed to her. That might just hurt her, now won't it?

  • Kenedee Strouse

    Kenedee Strouse


    Kenedee had always been put down for not being the richest girl. She wasn't poor, persay, but she was happy with her life, none the less. She's one of the most loyal and respectful people you'll ever meet. She's easy to connect to, and is always there to listen. She notices the little things in life, and never takes anything for granted. Kenedee wouldn't hurt a fly. She's one of the most gentle people on the planet. There's one thing about her that makes her so unique; she doesn't give a damn about your opinion of her. But that's just her image. Wait until you meet the beast inside...

  • Evie Elliott

    Evie Elliott


    Her friends have always described her as fun to be around, sweet and caring but knows how to stand her ground. She's only had one serious relationship beforehand which lasted three and a half years. She hasn't bothered to try and find someone new since then due to trust issues with being cheated on and has just concentrated on her career. She graduated with a degree in film production. She started filming bands on tour/interviewing them as well as being part of production teams. She can play guitar and piano and has always used music as her way of getting through things.

  • Jake Overholt

    Jake Overholt


    Jake is just your average guy. He loves alcohol, and video games. He's really gentle, unless you hurt him, or get him angry. He's very territorial, and will fight for the things he loves. He's a good guy for the most part. He's had a few run-ins with the law before, but nothing too major. He's had anger issues, but he's gotten better over the years. He's proud of who he is, and whatever you do, won't change who he is today, tomorrow, or who he was yesterday.

  • Rayne Salvatore

    Rayne Salvatore


    She's really sweet and shy, but once you get to know her, she's hyper and creative. She doesn't trust new people very easily, and is very committed to the people she loves. She doesn't normally have regrets, but, just like everyone, she does have a few. She acts as if no one's watching, and can be loud, but if you get to know her, all of her flaws vanish. She's just a normal girl who you'll grow to love. She doesn't believe in labels, and loves people for who they are. Not their looks, nor gender.