
  • Duran King

    Duran King


    He always has to have a plan. From the moment he wakes up to when he falls asleep early the next morning he is able to accomplish any goal he had set. But it was never anything unusual or exciting. He would do the same thing in the same order everyday. It never got old to him, it was just how he wanted to do things. And there was never anything wrong with that. No one ever picked on him for it? He has his best friend Trojan who works with and accomplices on Duran's daily chores when he can't take his crazy sister anymore. Unfortunately Duran is trying to heal from a broken heart. It only makes his schedules more rigorous and insomnia more difficult to overcome. He finds himself awake for over twenty four hours to where his body just collapses and can't take it anymore. Rachel left him cold turkey with nothing more than a kiss on the cheek and a face full of exhaust as she pulled out of what used to be [i]their[/i] driveway. Duran believes that he will never be able to love again, because if it didn't work with Rachel, why would it work with someone else?