
  • Kaminokai Geto

    Kaminokai Geto


    Rank and Squad: 4th seat of squad 5 Race: Soul Reaper (shinigami) Reiatsu they were born with: 9/12 (2 is the lowest and 12 the highest) Current Reiatsu: 9/12 still Reiatsu color and denisty: 4/6 (1 is the lowest and 6 the highest), Color: white Theme song (for fun): Castle of Glass by Linkin Park (I tried really hard to find a song that fit me but this is the best I could find) Appearance: Eye color - hazel, Hair color - dull/subtle light brown, Skin color - pretty pale but not to the point of being ghost like. Hair style - just below shoulder length wavy, thick hair. Short and semi ample chest, not extremely skinny but not very heavy. There is a scar on the left index finger on the top between the first and second knuckle. There is another smaller one on the left wrist more inwards and the on top of the wrist. A birth mark in the shape of lighter splotches then the skin is on the right upper thigh on the front. This birthmark is a lighter color then the actually skin tone around it and becomes more prominent when it comes in contact with very cold or very warm water exciting the blood vessels around it making them slightly red but the birthmark's blood vessels do not react so the birthmark stands out more. Height: 5' 2" Personality: A very phlegmatic person Kaminokai gets along well with others and can adjust to situations quickly and quite well. Does not argue with people other then her older brother. Sometimes can be a bit of a doormat but more recently has been standing up for herself more. She always seems happy and sometimes genuinely is but in her inner world is quite sad and more solemn. She often feels people don't understand her or her ideas very well. They brush off her reflections. She has a few good friends in the 13 court guard squads. She tried hard to not upset people and often is there when others are having a hard time and acts as a shoulder to cry on but hides her on emotions because she believes that nobody will understand her because she has tried to explain how she feels before and people either brush her off or give advice that she knows will not help. Quotes: "I don't know if I could actually kill somebody." "I will always be here for you." "I will never leave you." "I am loyal to a fault." Likes: Art, family, fruit (and lots of it), poetry, writing, books, and a warm blanket. Dislikes: Aizen, how Orihime never gains weight (-_-), brussel sprouts, broccoli, Hakuda (hand to hand combat, she isn't very good at it), and exams. Biography: Kaminokai comes from a family of five and is the youngest. She has two older siblings that are 18 and 20. As the youngest she is often ordered around and teased. She has a strong sense of loyalty but sometimes does not know when a cause is lost. She was born in June on the 19th. At age 11 she entered the soul reaper academy and graduated after only 4 years instead of the usual 6 years. She worked hard to finish early because her siblings where there as well and were going to graduate soon. After graduating from the academy she was assigned to squad 5 and ranked 4th seat because of her high spirit energy. She entered the squad after the betrayal of Aizen and the fight against him. She excels in Hoho (flash step) and Zanjutsu (sword mastery) and is acceptably good at kido . As a young girl she spent much of her time with her mother but has always had a strong connection with her father. Together they all lived as a happy family and still do but it is just her mother and father together now since she and her siblings are in the 13 court guard squads and visit occasionally. Battle Info - Strengths: Can quickly asses the battle field and find weaknesses of an opponent. Is quick on her feet and is very good at flash step. She can use her sword proficiently. Weaknesses: Is sometimes indecisive about taking life which can leave her open and makes her seem weak. Hides her emotions from most people which can push her farther away from others and makes working together with them harder. Even though she still gets along well with others and accepts people easily. She can be loyal to people even if it seems they will betray her but has gotten better at judging other so she does not put 100% of her loyalty in to most people. Fighting Style: Attacks mostly from farther away when shikai is released but goes in for closer combat when her zanpaktou is sealed. Is fast and hard to catch. Can use kido averagely well but does not rely on it to much. Zanpaktou: Hariken (hurricane). Is a wind zanpaktou and takes the form of a glaive when released into shikai state. Has not achieved bankai yet. When is shikai state Hariken has the power to send gusts of wind at opponents. Sealed form: A katana with a peach colored warp on the hilt. Release Command: Reek Havoc Hariken This character lives in the world of the anime Bleach by Tite Kubo and is based off of that and myself. All credit for the world that the character lives in goes to Tite Kubo.

  • Hikari Geto

    Hikari Geto


    Rank and squad: 6th seat squad (later transferred to squad 10) Race: Soul Reaper Reiatsu born with: 4/12 Current Reiatsu: 6/12 Reiatsu density and color: 3/6, red Appearance: Light brown hair with blonde highlights, blue eyes, mid back length hair that is straight. Is skinny but relatively flat chested. Has a small, dark brown spot on back. Personality: Is somewhat selfish and quite bossy. When around family is demanding and lazy but when around other people gives the appearance of a sweet girl that is nice and very pretty. Is a people person at heart and does care for her family but does not show it often. Can be very scary when she wants to be. Does not get along with her brother at all but has some bonding moments with her sister. Battle info - Strengths: is quiet and very stealthy. Attacks swiftly. If found will face head on and is very fierce during battle. Weaknesses: Can be arrogant at times and does not work well in a team. Is weak against ranged fighters. Fighting style: Much like an assassins but can fight head on if need be. Attacks are more specific and target vital areas more then just broad general attacks. Zanpaktou: Mizunoha (water grave) is a water zanpaktou that when in shikai state simulates drowning in anybody is cuts, causing panic and chaos. Can be stopped and started at anytime by wielder. Sealed form: Tanto (a dagger or knife like sword that is 6-12 inches long) with a teal wrapped hilt. Release Command: Drown them Mizunoha Shikai: Mizunoha splits into two daggers and simulates drowning in anybody is cuts, causing panic and chaos. Can be stopped and started at anytime by wielder. Credit for the world which this character lives in goes to Tite Kubo