
  • Nastya Rostov

    Nastya Rostov


    Nastya Rostov is a 17 year old girl who narrates "Fighting Back". She is the protagonist. With fiery red hair with bright blue eyes and naturally long eyelashes, she is a beauty to look at. She is smaller than the rest of the girls in her family with a height of 5'4" and is very slender. She is a gentle, polite soul with quite the sense of humor. She can be a bit of a troublemaker, being the youngest daughter, but she has matured over the years and is less childlike. However, she can still have childish moments. She most definitely has a mind of her own and tends to speak her mind. However, she can appear shy and insecure at times, despite her limitless determination and stubborn streak. Nastya lives with her mother and father, both teachers of sorts, and her three older sisters and one younger brother. She grew up in what was once the great country of Russia that is now under the rule of the supreme ruler of The Great Ones. She does ballet and is very intelligent, thriving in the histories of Earth before the takeover by The Great Ones. Where her story takes her, we shall see.

  • Dimitri Kirilov

    Dimitri Kirilov


    Dimitri is a very handsome young man that makes his acquaintance with Nastya in the story. He has brown hair that varies from short (such as the picture) to a longer length that stretches to the bottom of his ears, even though he prefers it short with just enough length to run his fingers through- which is a nervous habit of his. He is tall, stretching 6'2" almost 6'3" with a slim but fit built, from years of hard work as a member of the Core, along with his father. His mother died when he was a little boy. He is a suave guy with an easy smile and a signature eyebrow perk when he smirks. He has a habit of being sarcastic, but he is actually a considerate, kind-hearted gentleman who uses apparent arrogance and sarcasm to protect himself, for anyone he has ever gotten close to has met a suspicious end. He suffered a broken nose at the hand of one of The Great Ones when he was but a boy for trying to protect a friend at the time. His father joined the Core when Dimitri's mother died, taking the young boy with him, so he grew up a Core member, and is one of their most valuable members. He is extremely intelligent and careful, making him one of their best scouts. He also is a great fighter from years of training in the Core's secret facility. (He is loosely based off of the character of Dimitri in the animated movie Anastasia, mainly because I've always loved that character since I was little. Lol.)