
  • Ronaldo (Kousa*)

    Ronaldo (Kousa*)


    (In giraffe years he's twelve.) He's a giraffe that just wants to explore more of the world so he leaves his home while all the other girs are getting ready to move to the New Land. He's a giraffe that gets turned human because of a witch when he comes across her. As a gir, he has extremely light spots, and normal hide otherwise. As a human, he is white and has sandy (Kind of sun bleached) colored hair (Because of his light spots) with strange, darker tips. It's also wavy and medium length, quite the shaggy and dirt filled tangles mess. He's really tall for a human, also tall for a twelve year-old giraffe. Lots of freckles as a human to take the place of his spots. His eyes are black as a gir and as a human. Ronaldo is a leader. People (Well, really animals, right?) listen to him. His gir friends are George and Hughse, and his traveling buddies are Toufik the cat and Dusty the fox. Ronaldo is a fictional character. He's not real in any way. If he was, I wouldn't be sure how that would be possible, really. (*Ronaldo's last name, Kousa, is made up, he made it up himself in the event where he was asked what his name was and he made it up on the spot. He thinks it is his mother's name, but he doesn't really remember if it is.)

  • Toufik



    Toufik is a cat. He is long-haired and has a marbled gray, brown, and sandy brown coat. He's trying to figure out why in the world a giraffe could want to go on an adventure and where he can get some food fit for a little cat.