
  • Hannah Katherine Ross

    Hannah Katherine Ross


    Hello! I'm Hannah Katherine Ross, also known as Hannah or (to my band) Mom. I'm twenty-eight, turning twenty-nine on February 23, 2013. Me and three other friends are in a band called Breathing Underwater. We make pop punk music. I sing and sometimes play rhythm guitar. I play acoustic guitar by myself whenever Breathing Underwater does acoustic sets. Well, sometimes we'll add in an acoustic bass. I have three electric guitars, a gold and cheetah print one, a rainbow one, and a Batman one. I have two acoustic guitars, a Pokemon one and a dark blue one. I also have a lucky pic that I use whenever I play guitar. I lived in Medford, Oregon my whole life up until a few months ago when I moved to Baltimore. That's where our bassist lives. Some people would describe me as mature, smart, fun, and maybe a little anti-social. I can understand that. Instead of going out and partying like normal rockers, I stay inside and chill either by myself or with another person. I am engaged. I'm marrying my boyfriend of a year and ten months (two years on our wedding day) on April 6, 2013. His name is Leon Jonson. He works as an artist at a studio in Baltimore. I moved in with him not too long ago. My parents divorced. My thirteen year old sister, Reece, lives with my mom. I'd rather stay with my dad, though. My mom is a tiny bit… on the rude side. She doesn't know the difference between constructive criticism and insulting. All of my tattoos are done in white ink and glow under UV/black light except for one. It's on my bottom lip and says, "ZOMBIE". Oh, did I mention that I completely love zombies? I write all the songs in the band and even thought of our name. It was about eight years ago. I was skinny dipping with my boyfriend at the time and we had a contest to see who could hold their breath underwater the longest. I won. Yeah, back then I was pretty recklace. A lot has changed. I write music outside of the band as well. I have one solo album out at the moment, aside from the five studio records BU has out. My solo music is a lot more soft than the bands and sometimes during acoustic shows or even BU's shows I'll play a couple songs.

  • Dylan Griffins

    Dylan Griffins


    Sup? I'm Dylan Griffins, no middle name. I just turned twenty-seven on the first day of 2013. Yep, I'm a new years baby. In Breathing Underwater I play lead guitar and sometimes I sing with Hannah. I've been playing guitar since I was seven years old. I live in Medford, Oregon with Cassidy and two of my buds from Sleeping With Sirens. I actually went to high school with two of them. I'm pretty quiet around strangers, but don't be fooled. I love to party, have fun, and hang. I'm smart and kind of sarcastic. Okay, really sarcastic. I can't help it! If someone asks a stupid question I NEED to give them a stupid answer. I'm bisexual. I do prefer girls over guys (considering I have a girlfriend), but I can't help who I am. I have been ever since I was sixteen. My parents weren't upset with me. Instead they approved. It meant the world to me. I have a three year old daughter named Leah May Griffins. Her mother, my long term girlfriend, is named May. My grandmother is named Leah. We put those two names together. And speaking of May, we've been together for six years. She was the bands merch girl up until three years ago. Then we hired someone else so May could stay home with Leah. I'm straight edge. I was taught never to drink, smoke, or do drugs. I want to teach my daughter the same thing, in hopes that she'll grow up straight edge too. I play more instruments than just guitar. Guitar was the first instrument I learned how to play, but I also know how to play the saxophone, trumpet, drums, keyboard, piano, bass, keytar, and I sing a tiny bit. I was in my school band in elementary and middle school, playing the sax and trumpet. Cassidy taught me how to play the drums back in high school. I used to play bass for the band before we got our new bassist. May knows how to play piano, keyboard, and keytar so she taught me how. And I've always been able to sing. I don't believe in God. But hold up! I'm not an atheist! Atheism is a religion and I don't believe that religions really define us. I don't believe in the whole idea of one God creating the universe and his son dying then coming back to life. I don't believe that a candle stayed lit for eight days. I don't believe that if you were a good person during your whole life that you will come back reincarnated as someone or something else. I do believe that our souls never leave though. If you died happy then I believe your soul will forever stay with your loved ones. If you pass away leaving behind and bitter life I think that your souls with be stuck being bitter forever.

  • Grant William Bowers

    Grant William Bowers


    Yo hoes! Nah, I'm just kidding. Hi! I'm Bowers. Grant William Bowers, if you know what I mean. Wink wink. I'm twenty-one years of age. The legal age to do all the shit I've been doing since I was seventeen! I turned twenty-one on the 21st of November last year. I'm the youngest in the band. I've lived in Baltimore my whole life with my best friend Leon. One day, while playing bass in my garage, and miracle happened! Well, kind of… Leon posted a video of me playing a Fall Out Boy song and the lead singer of Breathing Underwater saw it! They came to my home town of Balirmore to invite nineteen year old me to be in the band. I've been their bassist for about two years now. Hannah says I'm really loud, but in a good way. Dylan thinks I'm fun and outgoing. He's right. I bond with everyone and everyone is my friend. I also drink and smoke. There are some times I feel like the most unimportant member of the band. Sometimes they'll talk about tours they were on before I joined or bands that they're close friends with. But they always remind me that I'm just as important as them. I am a match making master! I set up Hannah and Leon, and now they are engaged and getting married insanely soon. Cassidy. That's just it! She's amazing! I wouldn't really say that I'm in love with her. But, I do have the biggest school girl crush on her. I'm accident prone. I fall off stage, a lot! I break equipment, a lot! I fall and break things, a lot! My mom says I get it from my grandfather. He fell down the stairs and passed away at 80 years old after breaking his hip though, so I never got to meet him. I'm a chic magnet. Yes, that sounds incredibly cocky. It's true though. I've probably had more girlfriends then we have had tours.

  • Cassidy (Cassidy Juliet) Juliette Sanders

    Cassidy (Cassidy Juliet) Juliette Sanders


    Why hello there. I'm Cassidy Juliette Sanders, but I usually go by Cassidy Juliet. I dropped Sanders and the extra te from my name. It sounds a lot cooler. I'm twenty-eight years old, turning twenty-nine on September 5 of this year. I play the drums in the band. That's the simplest way to put it. I live in Medford Oregon and went to high school with Hannah, Dylan, and two fifths of another band. Hannah and I were two years ahead of those three others though. We don't really talk about high school much though. Hannah doesn't like us talking about it. I'm smart. I graduated college one year early and was the only member of Breathing Underwater to actually graduate! I'm tall. I'm five feet and nine inches, Dylan is the same as me, Grant is five feet and eight inches, and Hannah is five feet and six inches. I'm caring. My family, friends, and little "niece" Leah are the world to me. So are the fans. I adore tattoos and piercings. I have a billion tats, about six piercings, and every single one of my ex boyfriends have all had tattoos, even though I haven't had a boyfriend for almost two years. But about tattoos, all I can say is that they are addicting! I know I'm not supposed to mention it but I went to high school with Hannah's ex and his best friend. We still talk to the band, in fact. Well, except for Kellin and Jack considering we don't know Jack and Kellin wants nothing to do with our band. I'm pretty girly for a rocker. Skirts, dresses, heels, short shorts, make up, and jewelry are always calling my name! I'm a vegan. I can't stand the thought of eating an animal or anything from it. I will proudly say that I'd rather eat my neighbor's lawn than eat anything close to an animal. I do not believe in love. Yes, I love my family. But that's not the kind of love I'm talking about. Boys only slow me down, try to sleep with me, cheat on me, or worse. I don't need that. I'd rather hang with Hannah, Dylan, or Grant instead of some boy that won't be around forever. Plus, I've been hurt way too many times.