
  • Ares Suna

    Ares Suna


    Ares is strong-willed, quirky, and protective as hell. She only has one true friend, Cain Martin. Everyone else thinks of her as an outcast, but no one picks on her in the slightest, because she's kind of intimidating and she can fight like nobody's business. When she was a freshman, the senior quarterback for the football team caught up with her a party and tried to get her into a bedroom. When he wouldn't take no for an answer, she defended herself. The poor quarterback was in the hospital for a year and a half and has to breathe trough a tube for the rest of his life. After that incident, everyone gave her a wide berth, everyone except for Cain, and no one has tried to get close to her since. She's nice enough to people that give her the time of day to speak with her, even for a short while, but she has leaned to not trust anyone. Anyone except for Cain, that is. They've known each other since they were five. They met on the street one day. Ares had climbed a tree since her mother had kicked her out of the house until her boyfriend left. Cain was walking by and looked up. He was the first person to notice her in the two hours she'd been in the tree. Their eyes met and Ares came down. They went back to Cain's house and played until after dinner. That was how they met and learned to trust each other. And that was where Ares protectiveness of Cain had begun to develop. He was the boy who had saved her from loneliness ever since she was five and had stood up for her on innumerable occasions. And he was the boy that she would protect, even if it meant she would die in the process.

  • Cain Martin

    Cain Martin


    Cain is strong, loyal, and hot. He would have made a great football player, but he missed tryouts freshman year, and after what happened to Ares, he felt like it would be callous to join the team. He loves playing, but knows that him being on the team would make his friend uncomfortable. Ares knows that's why he doesn't join, so she plays with him whenever he asks. Cain's best friend is Ares. They have been friends since they were 5. Cain doesn't know what made him look up in the tree that day, but he's been glad he did ever since. He would do anything for Ares, no matter what it was, and he wants her safe no matter what. Cain is actually quite popular. No one talks to him whenever Ares is around, so most of the time, but when she's gone, they crowd around him. Cain's girlfriend, Selene, is the head cheerleader. They've been dating for nine months. And yes, the picture is Colin Morgan :)