
  • Marie Annabel Martine Stewart

    Marie Annabel Martine Stewart


    Long, curly brown hair. Blue eyes. Naive, but able to see through lies. Does not trust easily. Young heir to the throne of a small, troubled kindom. Her parents have passed away and since she is a woman under the age of 25 her uncle takes to the throne. Once he came to power, he gained many riches from wars with neighboring kindoms and soon theives began taking advantages of this. They threaten to kidnap or *** Marie, so she is thrust into a private section of her home and is kept there for three years. On her 19th birthday, she is allowed to go to an opera without large amounts of guard, which turns out to be a mistake. She is kidnapped by a mysterious, handsome man and held hostage in his old, merky castle far from home. Forever a captive.

  • Christopher



    Dark, long hair. Eye color depends on mood. (Anger: blue, sadness: green, etc.) Cocky, intelligent, and somewhat arrogant. Vampire. For hundreds of years, Christopher felt nothing but loneliness living among the dead memories of an ancient life. Till one day he heard of another who was just as lonely, if not more so. Heir to the throne and captive in her own home, Marie Stewart. In an effort to end his complete loneliness, he kidnaps her. Since Marie has been so introverted, Christopher is unable to make the connection he had wished to make. But soon he realizes she was what he'd always waited for.