
  • Adison Mae Lovett

    Adison Mae Lovett


    Adison's life had been perfectly fine up until her sophomore year of high school. That was the year that her life changed drastically. She ended up losing her mother, father, and both of her siblings in a tragic car accident and she was miraculously the only one to live. It took her years to learn how to walk and talk again, all without the help and support of her best friend because he never thought to actually go to the hospital after he saw the accident on the news to see if anyone had made it. Those years of therapy took a toll on her because she lived in the hospital 24-7 for almost four years. She hates hospitals now, and tries her hardest to stay out of them because she fears that she'll end up stuck in one again. She got a job as a writer and photographer for Alternative Press magazine a year after her recovery was complete, and has been nothing but going up in the magazine since she started there. She's terrified of what the tour will bring, mainly because she's going to be stuck with Andy for such a long time.