
  • Jack Frost

    Jack Frost

  • Caitlyn McClung

    Caitlyn McClung


    Caitlyn fits right in with the popular girls, but don't be fooled, unlike Blair, Caitlyn is the biggest sweetheart you will ever meet! She is one of Sutton's best friends, much to Blair's dislike, not that there is much Blair can do about it. Blair is well aware of how much people adore Caitlyn. It may help that her family is loaded and she's free with her money though. Lyn (as her friends refer to her as) met Sutton in 8th grade and they have been inseparable ever since, even if it means putting up with Scarlett. While Lyn may not harbor the same feelings for Sutton as Blair does, they certainly share the same dislike for Scarlett Bradford. She tolerates her in Sutton's presence however, as not to upset the delicate girl. Lyn has been dating Brandon since freshman year and are by all means the perfect couple. She's an only child who was raised by nannies and never sees her parents. Finds it odd that Ryder suddenly is so interested in Sutton

  • Blair Cantwell

    Blair Cantwell


    Blair Cantwell has it out for our little Miss Sutton. No one knows when the rivalry began, if you can even call it that since Sutton seems oblivious to it all. Something the pisses Blair off to no end. She has done everything in her power to isolate Sutton from social events and is quick with snide remarks directed her way (usually about her fiery hair and freckles). Has been known to go as far as pull petty pranks on Sutton. She is the mean girl of Hixton High and at the top of the populars food chain which gives her a sense of power. People are afraid of Blair and a little in awe of her. No one questions her word. Currently "dates" Colton Wisner but has been cheating on him with a college guy she met over the summer. William Cantwell's sister. First one to find it odd when Sutton & Ryder start having secret meetings and first to notice Sutton talk to "herself"

  • Tooth Faerie

    Tooth Faerie


    The Tooth Faerie, or Piper as she's been calling herself for a few decades now, has been around much longer than Jack. Unawares that she holds the keys to Jack's memories. A close friend of Jacks' but also a tiny bit in love with him. She's tried to be there for jack over the years but has come to know that she will never truly understand him. As a result she gave up any hopes she had for him long ago. This does not, however, stop her from being insanely jealous of a certain Sutton Bradford. Not only is she jealous of Sutton but also extremely suspicious as to why she is able to see Jack when no ordinary human should. Thinks Sutton has an ulterior motive and frustrates Jack with her many rants about why he should leave the town of Hixton (and Sutton) forever. Seems to be hiding something. Not at all surprised that Ryder is able to see Jack.