
  • Marcus Fenix

    Marcus Fenix


    Sergeant Marcus Fenix is the leader of Delta Squad. A totally professional soldier, Marcus Fenix is generally gruff and aggressive. He is a natural leader; being promoted to corporal not long after he joined the army, and was promoted to sergeant after the death of Lt. Kim; despite Hoffman’s disappointment in him due the fact he deserted his post on E-day. However, there have been several times when Marcus has put friends and family before the call of duty; he deserted his post to try and save his father, as well as going with Dom to look for Maria despite that not being their mission. He frequently displays great loyalty to his friends. While serving time in the slab, he would tattoo his prison tag on his right arm. Marcus was a very cold person, and he rarely displays any emotions other than anger. Part of his cold demeanor stems from the loss of his best friend Carlos Santiago and a strained parental relationship during his childhood and adolescent years although, as Maria Santiago points out, his father at the very least cared deeply about him but apparently didn't know how to truly show it. However, on occasions a glint of caring is seen under the hard exterior. He is able to show sorrow when losing a teammate. After Carlos died, Marcus is seen digging a hole in his grave, and then placing his Embry Star in the hole. This was one of the few occasions where Marcus was known to cry.

  • Damon Baird

    Damon Baird


    Baird is a rather negative and sarcastic person, and is usually unkind. He speaks his mind freely, a trait that often annoys (sometimes even hurts) other, and most often gets him into trouble. Baird offended Marcus when he talked about his mother, and was actually punched by Bernadette Mataki because he ran his mouth off too much. Despite this, his intelligence and ability as a mechanic make him a valuable addition to any squad, though during the Mission to Jilane, Baird showed a chauvinistic attitude towards Alex Brand and Jilane survivors[95]. During the Evacuation of North Gate he berated Cole for giving a group of stranded children ration bars, referring to them as 'Parasites'. Baird can also be considered anti-social, as he backs away from people to machines. This may be because of the way he grew up and the way his parents had raised him. He is sometimes noted as, "his love of machines is more than his love of people."

  • Augustus Cole

    Augustus Cole


    In the days before E-Day, Cole was a terrific Thrashball player. He brought his love for the game to the battlefield and treats the war like a big game. When it comes to killing Locust, he considers himself the best of the best, as evidenced by his quotes. He does not appear to fear the Locust and has killed many of them even when outnumbered. In and out of battle, he has an inexhaustible amount of energy that seems to amp up people around him. And with his childlike humor he was able to lift the spirits of the fellow Gears. Though Cole has a darker side, every night Cole writes a letter to his dead mother saying all the things he could not tell her in life, a custom practiced by many Gears.[116][117] Cole has turned down a promotion to Corporal. He believes there is no point in promotions, only in killing Grubs until there are no more to kill. While his natural energy and exuberance were for real, he exaggerated it around his squadmates in order to cheer them up, and instill confidence in them.

  • Dominic Santiago

    Dominic Santiago


    Dominic Santiago was known for his outright loyalty to his friend and some fear in the COG high command that this loyalty conflicts with loyalty to the COG. During the raid at Aspho Point, Dom was horrified at himself when integrating an Ostri civilian making wonder how a loving father and husband can threaten an unarmed women. After the battle of Aspho Fields and the death of his brother, he made a promise to himself that he would make sure that he never loses his loved ones. After the death of his wife, Dom was brought to the breaking point until he'd realized that someone took care of Maria after she left Jacinto due to the fact that she was recently captured by the Locust Horde, leaving her eleven years with the Stranded until her demise.However, his closure with Maria was unable to stop him from continued "problems", leading to him to becoming a physically and psychologically changed man. Causing him to sacrifice himself at Mercy when Delta was surrounded by Lambent and Locust in order for them to escape.

  • Anya Stroud

    Anya Stroud


    Early in her life, Anya often felt overshadowed and in awe of her mother. Although very beautiful, Anya didn't seem to know she was considered to be such by others, but this wasn't the case as both Carlos Santiago and Marcus Fenix noticed her.[116] When her mother was killed, Anya became stronger, firmer and more independent.[117] When she eventually went frontline, she was described as becoming a lot like her mother. Part of the reason why Anya is so dedicated to the military is, according to Damon Baird, she "can't have kids". During the Battle of Pelruan, Anya showed great enthusiasm in fighting and enjoyed herself immensely. She became part of what she had always heard over the radio and admitted if she'd known it felt like it did, she would have gone frontline earlier and wished her mother had been there to see her. Anya is in love with Marcus Fenix and vice versa ever since they met not long before the Battle of Aspho Fields. Despite Marcus being in prison for what was going to be the rest of his life, Anya's love for him never wavered, and she wrote letters telling him this even though he only got a few. Despite this, the two apparently had an on and off relationship and have possibly been lovers, but have never gone steady and Marcus has trouble admitting his feelings. Despite this, it’s clear he returns her feelings for him and was devastated when he thought she'd died. Several people were aware of the two's feelings for each other and the fact that they keep dodging it: Maria Santiago noticed it at the beginning of the relationship and was worried that the two would get stuck on a charge as Anya is an officer and Marcus enlisted, but Dom believed it would work out if the two kept the relationship to off-duty hours and Colonel Victor Hoffman showed signs a few times that he knew as well and encouraged it after Marcus' escape from prison.

  • Colonel Hoffman

    Colonel Hoffman


    Hoffman is a by-the-book soldier known to lead his men into combat. He has a great respect for the Pesang people, which led him to publicly disrespect Chairman Dalyell in an award ceremony. One year into the Locust-War, Hoffman was ordered to use the Hammer of Dawn on civilian targets, causing him great stress and creating a dilemma. He lost sleep for several days, knowing that his wife's sister was outside the protection of Jacinto. Following orders, he never told his wife what his assignment was, until Chairman Prescott gave the announcement about the Hammer of Dawn deployment that included destroying 90% of the Seran surface, leading to his wife to leave him, so she can try to rescue her sister. While Hoffman tried to stay the professional soldier, he ordered all checkpoints to arrest her and detail her so he can try to save her. Unfortunately there were no sightings of her and she is presumably killed in the Hammer strikes. Hoffman has an unusual way of showing care for his Gears by structuring his kindness into orders, a practice dubbed "Hoffmanese". After Sgt. Fenix's desertion, Hoffman took his recklessness personally and helped give him a 40 year sentence, and abandoned him in the prison but would later make amends. Anya believes that if Dom hadn't gotten Fenix out, Hoffman eventually would have. Despite his initial dislike for Fenix for his desertion, after the Lightmass Offensive, Hoffman began to rely heavily on him, saying he always got the job done and believing that he could've made a good replacement for Hoffman himself one day if he hadn't deserted to save his father. While dealing with problems from the citizens of Pelruan after a few of their trawlers were sunk by the Lambent and during the Battle of New Jacinto, Hoffman even took political advice from Fenix about dealing with Prescott and not risking himself in combat when it was unnecessary. Hoffman has a great distaste for the Stranded, viewing them as traitors not only to the COG but the Human race. Hoffman has a strong dislike of Chairman Prescott, due to his habits of restricting information, which Hoffman believes should be shared with the second in command. Cole once described Hoffman's anger as being enough to "dropkick Prescott out the Raven to see if the asshole flies or floats". Fortunately for Prescott, Anya cut in on the Radio. Hoffman later admitted that the idea of Prescott and Major Reid being left in charge of the COG if he died actually scared more than death as he knew the two would do a bad job of it. Hoffman was at first against being promoted any higher than captain because he wanted to be with his fellow Gears, not dealing with politics in an office.

  • Clayton Carmine

    Clayton Carmine


    Clayton has a tattoo of his two brothers, Anthony and Benjamin, on his right arm and a Lancer Assault Rifle with the words "Born 2 Saw". On his armor the words "GRUB KILLER", "KEEP YOUR HEAD DOWN", "PRACTICE RELOADING", and "DESTROY LOCUST" are inscribed on his chest plate. He has a unique helmet and is physically more muscular than his deceased brothers. Also, he appears more intimidating and has a greater blood lust than his brothers, being able to choke a Drone to death.

  • Dizzy Wallin

    Dizzy Wallin


    Dizzy is a chain smoker and wears a damaged and dirty cowboy hat to complement his Stranded appearance. He has a very joking personality, but is also a very brave and loyal Gear, shown when he attempted to take on Skorge by himself to cover Delta-Ones escape in the grindlifts. He had a permanent patient good nature, which he only lost after he saw a Gorasini attack a little Stranded girl.[31] Despite being a former Stranded, he is a trusted Gear with Hoffman trusting him to keep an eye on the Stranded who accepted amnesty and report back to him. As a result of his defense of them, Delta Squad considers him a good and trusted friend and not a Stranded with Dom Santiago hoping his wife Maria ended up with Stranded like Dizzy who would have taken care of her. Dizzy is also very loyal to his two daughters, having taken up the job as a Gear in order to give them a better life. After he reunited with them, it seemed to do him some good to have them back in his life.

  • Sammantha Byrne

    Sammantha Byrne


    Sam felt that she had to prove she was willing to take more risk than the male Gears, something that Col.Victor Hoffman thought of as a liability unless Sam had a good commander. Her accent also made her sound even more aggressive than she already was. Sam was also a master at giving people tattoos. She gave a number of other Gears tatoos, including Dominic Santiago. She has an intense rivalery/hatred of Elisa. She even pulled her lancer on her and the two fought. The two managed to ease some of the hatred between each other when they were both punished and they started to see the constant bickering was childish.

  • Corporal Takashi

    Corporal Takashi


    Takashi is a calm man, despite having been in both the Locust-Human War and the Lambent-Human War he still gets weak to his stomach when he see bad things happen to small children. He is very easy to get along with and is well liked by most of his squad mates. He is noted for narrowly escaping situations that would kill most other Gears, such as when he got tangled up in wires after falling off a bridge instead of plummeting to his doom.