
  • Lane James Radke

    Lane James Radke


    Born October 31st. He stands 5'7 and weighs around 140 lbs of lean muscle. The special skills he can offer to the EAO include being very skilled and accurate at duel wielding hand guns. Great at combat fighting, specialty in sniping. Knowledgeable in medic field but not his strong suit. His motivation for joining the EAO is his blood lust for revenge that wont let anyone or anything stand in his way. Duel wielding of any sort. He specializes in hand guns, and sniper riffles. His stealth is his most valuable weapon. Doesn't dress to fit a crowd. He's usually in leather or other dark colors displaying his disgust for the world. He wears a black, fingerless glove on the hand he wields his gun. His eyes are both green, which look striking against his pale face, framed by dark black hair. He has a tattoo of a barcode and the numbers 022790 on his wrist to signify his relationship to an elite assassination group. He keeps a pair of goggles either on his head or around his neck. Lane has been trained to block out emotion. Lane is part of an Elite Assassination group, so he bounty hunts as a living. He's killed many people, and even a few innocents. He owns a motorcycle and that is his baby. He never wears a helmet because he is skilled in maneuvering it. His parents were a rich family, but his father got into some nasty business with a mob leader. As to this day, he still doesnt know why, but when his father made a mistake, he was killed off, along with the rest of his family. Lane got away, he was only 13 at the time. He spent the rest of his life avenging his parents and brother. Thats when he shown exceptional skills to the leader of the Elite Assassination group. Although at the time, Lane had no idea who he was dealing with. And thus, was born a killer, set out for revenge.

  • Christov M.

    Christov M.


    Clean cut. Sophisticated. Charming British accent. The leader of an Elite Assassin Organization. It was his ambition, his innovation that drove one of the most feared organizations forward, lurching them to the very top of organized crime and killing, as well as making them one of the most wanted and feared groups within the city. Although no hard evidence has been provided to put this bunch of blood-thirsty miscreants away, the E.A.O. thrives onward beneath Christovs control. His past is not well known, very few know of his life outside the walls of the E.A.O. and he likes to keep it that way.