
  • Macha Lightwood

    Macha Lightwood


    Macha (Maxa) is the eldest of the twins. She is proficient in archery much to her mother's dismay, is learning to be a healer from her grandmother, knows how to gut animals, and is a swift almost soundless runner. Although she can kill without a second thought, she believes in the sanctity of life. After every kill she will pray fro the animal's passing and thank it for feeding her and her family. When not hunting, she will find alternatives ways to get rid of pests or leave a critter be as long as they are not harming anyone. She prefers nature and animals to people and towns/cities.

  • Arawn Lightwood

    Arawn Lightwood


    Arawn is the youngest twin. He is proficient at traps and tracking, is learning to cook from his mother and grandmother, can identify almost every berries, mushrooms, fruits and vegetable on sight, is reluctant at gutting animals, and is a swift almost soundless runner. Although he is reluctant at gutting he always gives a silent prayer to the animal that will provide his family with food. Like his sister, the sanctity of life is ingrained in him and will do almost anything to preserve life. However, unlike his sister he is social and does enjoy human company on occasion finding that conversations with animals are sometimes too one-sided for his liking.

  • Macha Lightwood

    Macha Lightwood


    Having spent years away from the only place she called home, Macha is more than willing to leave the city and care for the grandmother she adores. Having been branded a traitor to human kind for caring for animals (more specifically wolves), she wears her cloak with pride rather than embarrassment. Because of her isolation by wearing the cloak, Macha has become harsh with a sharp tongue and hard eyes. She no longer is used to kindness or touch and finds it hard to accept these from people other than her twin. She still cares deeply which can cause her a lot of pain though few see it. She is a master archer and healer.

  • Arawn Lightwood

    Arawn Lightwood


    Arawn took to the city like he lived there all his life. But when given the chance to return to the forest he once called home, he was more eager to return than anyone knew. Although he does not wear the cloak of a traitor like his sister, he is just as adamant about respecting all life as her. However he is less vocal and showy than her. He worries about his sister more than anyone else knowing that she is sometimes too caring when it comes to people and creatures around her. Thus he touches her more than people would usually deem appropriate between siblings. Their relationship is not like that but few understand their reasons. He finds it to be his job to care for her while she cares for the world around them. Arawn is a master trapper and cook even though he tends to be a jack-of-all-trades rather than a chef.

  • Sindri Moonshadow

    Sindri Moonshadow


    Sindri is the Beta of the Moonshadow pack and a wood cutter for the nearby village to help keep up an appearence that they are a normal family. He has a four year old son named Zane whom he loves dearly. At this point in time he has strong feelings of anger towards Macha and Arawn.

  • Zane Moonshadow

    Zane Moonshadow


    Zane is Sindri's son and the only pup in the Moonshadow Pack. Macha comes across him one day and seals her fate as a life long friend. He is adorable and everyone can't help but love him.

  • Hunter Sionnach

    Hunter Sionnach


    Sionnach (Shoo 'nah) is a Hunter for the Bear Brook Pack. She is one of the few who saved Macha and the taken from hunters when they were kidnapped. She along with a small group traveled back with Macha and the villagers. She is a good friend and a reliable ally.