
  • Bramly Ant Hicks

    Bramly Ant Hicks


    Bramly lived on the good side of New York. He was an average height and average wight. Short, uncut brown hair. Unlike most kids in his neighborhood and school, he had a good family. Happy and loving parents that didn't overly spoil him but loved him dearly. He was an only child but he never yearned for any other siblings anyways. His family wasn't rich but more or so just on the wealthy side. Wealthy enough to afford to have Bramly put into Private Schooling. Bramly didn't hate it, but he did despise the kids early on in his school years. He was bullied simply because of his middle name. Teased constantly because his parents had to give him a great grandparents name. They always called him Ant. The teachers even accidently did at times. Bramly grew with sadness in the beginning but it changed to anger after constant bickering. He lashed out at a dozen kids who were all teasing him. He put them all in the hospital. Mostly just black eyes and scrapped knees but parents do tend to go overboard with their children. From that day, no one called him Ant again. Well, until he was 14. Bramly and his parents were out at a local cafe when three men in long trench coats came in demanding the owner for their protection money. Bramly was confused but at the same time interested at what was going on. His parents tried to tell Bramly to get down before anything bad happened but Bramly just sat their in awe. The men struck the store owner after he refused several times and one hopped over the counter and took all the money in the register. Everyone in the cafe got down underneath their tables, including Bramly's parents. His parents screamed from Bramly to get down but he just sat there staring at the men. The men quickly got back together and started running for the door. The man with the cash quickly locked eyes with Bramly and something clicked in his mind. The man with the cash got in a car while the other two got in another and drove off in sperate directions. Moments passed before his parents got him to snap out of it. Bramly wasn't in shock. He astounded as to why or how someone could do that in broad daylight and get away with it. His parents asked him what was wrong and Bramly said, "That man, he was too slow getting away. I could get away faster."

  • Jim "Jimbo" Murphy

    Jim "Jimbo" Murphy


    Jim was an overweight man. He usually wore a pinstripe suit with a bowlers cap. Jim was born in 1954. His mother was very loving but his father was the opposite. His father was terrible drunk and didn't work a day in his life. It's a suprise how he won his mother's heart. His mother worked as a nurse while Jim stayed home with his father. His father would ridicule him daily about him being slightly overweight and not amounting to anything. Eventually, Jim struck his father over the head with one of his beer bottles at the age of 12. His mother came home to find what happened and helped Jim get rid of the body and call the police. His mother lied to the police saying she came home and he was just gone. Jim said he left while he was sleeping. The police simply filed a missing persons and moved on. Jim turned 17 and had job in a steel mill. His mother still worked in the same hospital as a nurse. His mother started being overcome with guilt over the years of her son killing his father. She eventually called the police on him when he was at work. Telling them where the body was and everything. The police came and picked him up. He knew it was her. He started assaulting the officers and trying to run but they managed to restrain him. The convicted him of manslaughter and he was sent to prison for ten years. Inside, he met a man named Giovani Gracia. He protected him on the inside and said he'd have work for him on the outside. Jim asked for only one favor when he got out. His mother's whereabouts. He got out in 1978 after 7 years. He tracked down his mother and found she bore a new family. He got someone else to pull the trigger on everyone but his mother. He confronted her before killing her and said, "I trusted you." and shot her once.

  • Vicky "Bam" Lewter

    Vicky "Bam" Lewter


    Vicky Lewter, commonly known as Bam, is widely known among most of the criminal organizations. It’s not because of any crimes she’s committed or who she spends time with, but how she came to end up in the life itself. The truth is no one even knows how she got into the life. One day in the winter of 1980, she just showed up. It’s as if everyone just woke up and she was just there like she had always been from the beginning. Her past is a mystery as well. The only that knows about her past, that is known, is Vicky herself. She has brown hair that go just below her ears and she's fairly skinny. She always wears a pair of silver aviators. She's stunningly beautiful and she's only slept with two people within any of the organizations’ since she arrive and both of them have died from what the police can only say is "Foul Play." She’s known by everyone as Bam for her comedic routines before pulling any triggers. This cold hearted nature has made her invaluable to everyone that she’s become freelance and considered untouchable since she carries no allegiance to any organization.

  • Raafat "The Egyptian" Nazir

    Raafat "The Egyptian" Nazir


    Raafat Nazir, most commonly known as The Egyptian, is a family man. He has a wife and two daughters. He wears thick horn-rimmed glasses and has a comb over. He’s known for his terrible style in clothes. He has a small gut but otherwise in good shape. He’s above average height but not by much. Raafat left Egypt when his village began executing anybody that wasn’t of Muslim faith. He and his family are of Christian belief so they fled the country in fear of persecution. His parents, however, did not make it out in time and killed before they could make it out. To this day, he says they were extremists and not Muslims that started killing people in his village. He and his family, being his wife, aunts, uncles, and a number of cousins, came to America and settled in New York City. They immediately tried to set up an electronic appliance shop but it went under fast. Bills started getting high for Raafat and his family and it was getting harder for them to find a job. Some of his cousins and uncles managed to find work in a factory but the factory neglected to tell its workers about unsafe hazards and the building exploded, killing all the workers, including Raafat’s cousins and uncles. The rest of Raafat’s family decided to move elsewhere to try to find easier living. Raafat became desperate for work when his wife became pregnant. He was cleaning the floor of a bar one night and over heard screaming in the back. He went to check it out and was immediately grabbed and had a gun shoved in his face. While the men were screaming at him, Raafat looked to see a man tied to a chair and instantly recognized him. He was one of the men that started executing people in his village. Raafat begged and pleaded with the armed men to let him see the man in the chair before they did anything. Raafat approached the man and started speaking in Arabic, “Do you remember me? You remember what you did to my village? Do you remember what you did to my family? Do you?” Raafat grabbed a pair of pliers on the grown started pulling the man’s teeth out one by one as he said, “Do you remember now? Do you?!” Then one of the armed men handed Raafat the gun and Raafat shot him one in chest. He handed them the gun back as the men asked, “Who are you?” Raafat extended a white to them and replied, “Whatever you need me to be. Here’s my card.”

  • Bramly Ant Hicks (Older)

    Bramly Ant Hicks (Older)


    Bramly Ant Hicks in present day has longer black hair that he's dyed and and is an average build with a bit exposed muscle. He typically wears biker gloves anytime he's doing anything job related. He's usually wearing a trench coat of any color depending on his mood or even the vehicle he's driving. He has sunglasses with him but just keeps them in his hair to keep it out of his eyes.