
  • Jason 742

    Jason 742


    Jason is a male Immortal who had always drink human blood, in fact he had killed most of the H8's scientists during his escape. He have dark hair and golden eye, just like all the Immortal. His nature is more aggressive than the other's, because he is addicted to human blood and he lost control very quickly, so he was put in isolation. Jason's a lot protective of Kristen and then of the little Penny, Sheila's daughter.

  • Cortez 563

    Cortez 563


    Cortez is the older Immortal alive and the stronger. He was arrested at the age of 25 'cause of *** and sentenced to death, but, before execution, he was offered the opportunity to take part in the "Immortal's Project". Cortez accepted and was put in the Area 3, the first laboratory, when he know the little Sheila, the first baby Immortal born from human parents. He drink only animal blood, but somentimes drink human's because it made him more powerful and able to protect his family.

  • Marcus 624

    Marcus 624


    Marcus is a soldier who, after being fatally wounded by a bomb, is entered in the "Immortals" and moved in Area 3. He has short hair and an eye blacks gold and the other dark, because one he was in danger of losing it because of injuries. Marcus has a strong self-control and unable to resist the sight of human blood; In fact, he'll train others on how to control their strength. And 'the husband of Sheila and Penny's father.