
  • Quetzal Coatal

    Quetzal Coatal


    Queztal comes from Metztli. A world that's home to dragons and Gargoyles, Egyptian gods, unicorns, Manticores and just about any mythical creature one can think off. No vampires or werewolves though. Quetzal was the last one to be 1/2 human and 1/2 gargoyle. She was named after Quetzalcoatl the serpent god who was 1/2 bird and 1/2 snake. Unlike normal gargoyles, she doesn't turn to stone in the day. She's human in the day and Gargoyle in the night. She had to be hidden away in the day time since humans were killed if they were spotted. But the young woman couldn't quell her desire to explore. She always snuck out in the day while her father slept. She never thought that she'd get caught but her daily adventures were cut short by a god and she was hunted. To save her life, she ventured into the forbidden zone... the portal between the 2 worlds. Of course, she can't go back so with the help of 2 hunters she's learning to blend in and how to get back to Metztli. Height: 7'0" (gargoyle) 5'7" (human) Powers: flight, Phoenix scream (similar to Lion's roar {}) Race: Human/Gargoyle Birthday: January 1/Garnet/Capricorn/Earth Fears: War, Darkness, blood