
  • Lynara Brenwen

    Lynara Brenwen


    Lynara Branwen moved away from her unkindness when she was accepted into her master's program. She had always felt restless where she was and the school on the west coast gave her an excuse to get away. Little did she know that she would find exactly what she was looking for in the county her distant cousin Lydia lived in. Now she cares for the pack she calls friends and always seems to have someone at her house even when she is not home; not that she cares. She has a close bond with most of the males of the pack due to being a gamer girl and her job as a webpage/ game designer. She's geeky, lovable, and happy-go-lucky. Her interests include: the outdoors, flying, video games, anime, acrobatics, dancing and parkour. Her abilities include: shifting into a raven, agility, and telepathy.

  • Derek Hale

    Derek Hale


    He's settled down a bit and opened his own landscaping company. He's Scott's right hand werewolf.

  • Scott & Kira

    Scott & Kira


    Scott is going to school undeclared, deciding to get his pre-requ's out of the way as he deals with the supernatural and his mom being a werewolf. Kira is attending the local community college undeclared, unsure what career path she wants to take.

  • Stiles& Malia

    Stiles& Malia


    Stiles has declared Criminal Justice and Forensic Science as his major. He plans on entering the police academy after he receives his BS. He is Scott's right hand man/researcher. Malia decided school wasn't for her and joined Derek's landscaping crew. Stiles is trying to convince her to at least get her associated, but for now she is adamant on avoiding school at all costs. She is hesitant to trust Lynara.

  • Lydia& Jordan

    Lydia& Jordan


    Lydia has declared a Business and Mathematics double major and loving every minute of it. Having graduated top of her class, she spent a year at Harvard before transferring to CalTec where she is excelling in her fields. She comes home every weekend to spend time with her pack. Jordan is still a deputy at the station and Sheriff Stilinski's right hand officer. It took him about a year to accept that he is a Jinn.

  • Sheriff Stilinski& Mrs. McCall

    Sheriff Stilinski& Mrs. McCall


    Sheriff Stilinski is still the sheriff of Beacon Hills and tries his best to keep the pack's activities a secret without losing his job. He is dating Scott's mom. Mrs. McCall has returned to being the nurse at the hospital. Six months previous she was bitten by an Alpha trying to take Scott's territory and is now navigating being a werewolf, mother, and Beta to her son. She's dating the Sheriff.

  • Danny



    Danny is going to school for computer science and unsurprisingly excelling. He has become close friends with Lynara since they both love computers.

  • Isaac



    Isaac is a part-time student at the local community college who also works for Derek. Over the years he has kept in touch with Mr. Argent and is still lives at Scott's. Lynara likes to call him Issy much to his chagrin.

  • Liam



    Liam is now a Junior in high school and captain of the lacrosse team. He looks up to Scott like a younger brother and is often found hanging at Lynara's house when not at school or work.