
  • Aura Asakura

    Aura Asakura


    Name: Aura Asakura, Eyes: Silver Hair Color/length: Chocolate brown/ waist Race: Human Age: 17 (really much, much older *spoiler*) Height: about 5' 4'' Facts: Everything beyond the past four years of her life is all black. No matter how hard she tries she can't remember anything from before four years ago. Beliefs: Half elves and humans should be treated equally. They're both people; race shouldn't have anything to do with how someone is treated. Prized Possession: Her Sword and her Silver Locket. Weapon: Naginata with an enchanted blade and handle which allows it to appear a normal double-edged sword until you put your mana into it. She has an Exsphere and Keycrest on the back of her right hand. Outfit: The outfit Xainguha, from Soul Caliber II, wears, (just with no hat)