
  • Soren Torbjorn

    Soren Torbjorn


    There is a hallowed beauty that clings to Soren . His frame is long and lanky; and one would assume him hardly suited to fighting, however he harbors much strength within him which has aided him in his rank of beta. His face his lean and narrow, all angles and cheekbones. His eyes are a large and honest appearing shade of hazel; always hovering between iridescent shades of golds and greens. His pale pink lips are thin, normally pressed into a frown. There are often shadows under his eyes as he seldom sleeps; fear and insomnia will often keep him awake for days. He can be rather clumsy much like a baby horse and it makes him seem a little more... human. Soren is scare-crow like and tall; standing proudly at 6'2. His hair is thick and sometimes wavy at the ends; it's silky tresses a rich oaken color. There's an open, eloquent air of gentleness about him that not even his scours and frowns can truly hide. He's soft spoken almost to a fault and one can almost see the often absent and vacant expression in his gaze; as though he can see far beyond what no other can. In battle his movements are lithe, deadly, like a graceful serpent. He's impassive to read, and almost impossible to get close to as he keeps many away as apparent by the frigid, icy look that stains his lips. -The Wolf King

  • Caius Torbjorn

    Caius Torbjorn


    Caius takes after their father's rugged looks. His jaw, sharp and defined is usually dusted with lazy stubble that emphases and highlights his round face. His cheekbones, are a little more filled out than Soren; though both boys obviously take after their Northern roots. Dark haired, usually wild and shaggy gives Caius a sense of being untamed; feral even. His large bright blue eyes are normally filled with a sense of eagerness and a love for life. He's not quite the muscular warrior king one may picture; but he's not nothing either. He seems to have the right balance of speed and strength making him a formidable foe. Caius stands at 6'1, though due to his personality appears to be bigger than that. He has an undeniable charisma and that is translated to how he moves even. He's wild and animated in his movements and even when he talks, and it's obvious the stuff of alpha's and warriors flows seamlessly throughout his veins. His skin is sun-kissed, a giveaway to how much time he spends outside training, while he seems more proportioned than his brother Soren- who at times seems like he's all leg. Caius' nose is small, and slightly turned up at the end. His lips are fuller and more plush than Soren's though his lips often wear a devil-may-care kind of smile.

  • Nerissa Daegrin

    Nerissa Daegrin


    Nereissa Daegrin is an odd look of both delicate and fierce. She's small standing at just 5' and often looks lost in her own head, in her own daydreams so most people don't anticipate how perceptive she truly is. She's taken after her father's dark looks, with her onyx hair and his small, slightly pointed ears. She has the same smile, the same chin as Taylor Daegrin as well. But there's enough of her mother in Nerissa to be seen. The woman's eyes are wide, the same shape and color as her mother as are her cheeks and nose. She's small, delicate looking just as Cassandra Daegrin was in life. Nerissa's hair is straight, smooth and silky, falling easily past her breasts. Her nose is small and sharp, a bit upturned at the end. Nerissa's eyes are round and large, intoxicating shades of a feline green's and oceanic blue's colliding together to mix into a breath-taking pigments of amalgamated moss and stone. Neressia's skin is shockingly pale for one who spends so much time outdoors. Her teeth are small and straight. Her cheekbones are prominent and pronounced, sharp enough to cut yourself on her uncle always joked. She has a somewhat big forehead which she keeps covered by her bangs, and an air of fierceness clings to her. She's graceful and fluid like water in her movements. There's an unmistakable air of curiosity that bellows about her. Nerissa's eyes are sharp and observant, a testimony of how perceptive she is.

  • Roman Thornton

    Roman Thornton


    He's undeniably good-looking; outside rather than in at least. Roman stands at about 6'1, and has a rather muscular frame. It's evident he cares about his health and appearance. His skin is tanned and sun-kissed from his many hours of being outside. His face is angular with a strong jawline and prominent cheekbones. His eyebrows are almost comically bushy and many of his friends call him "Eyebrows." His hair is usually a bit longer, shaggy though unlike other's purposely so. His hands are large and calloused from working, and shoulders quite broad. His eyes aren't incredibly large; though the orbs are colored with an icy mocha color that seems to repel other's and keep most at bay. There's a cunning about him that's etched into his movements and a ferocious grace that was bestowed into the marrow of his bones. Roman seems uncapable of being able to smile straight- when a smile does touch upon his pastel pink lips it's always crooked or lopsided. There's this sparkle of impish play etched into his Oaken depths that he tries to cover up with a more professional and serious expression.