
  • Xenja



    Age is unknown, and she is by far too old to care about sexual orientation. She is the main character to my ongoing Bloodline series (anything with the word Bloodline in the title, she's a part of it). She is very energetic and rather rambunctious. She doesn't care about what other people think of her, and lives life with no regret (or at least these days she does). She also goes by the names Hadie, or Uzumati. She has lived long enough on this earth that her name is no longer a constant factor. Uzumati is her birth name, and the name that carries her curse. Hadie was the name given to her by her beloved queen. Xenja was a name she made up on her own... she thought the letters looked nice together when arranged in such a fashion. Xenja is a werewolf in all practicality, but an immortal wolf godling by definition. She fights to protect the last remaining bloodline of the queen who gave her the power of immortality. Until that bloodline is choked Xenja will continue to guard and protect the children of the ancient past no matter what the cost.