
  • Cassandra Mariella Gunns

    Cassandra Mariella Gunns


    Force to train as a slayer from a young age, Cassandra (Cassie or Cass for short) has never had friends or a normal home life. She was home schooled in English and Maths and all of that stuff, but most of the time, her father was throwing her around and attacking her with swords and other ridiculous weapons. Her father has always drummed into her the beliefs that all mythical creatures - vampires, werewolves, demons, and even angels - were scum and must be wiped from the face of the Earth, and that's exactly what she was being trained to do. Cassie frequently snuck out of the house to watch the immortals fight among themselves, picking up their techniques and weaknesses to better her own abilities and knowledge, hoping to one day surpass her father in every way. But a real life... the life of a normal human? Who would want anything as boring as that?