
  • Nichole Autumn Moore

    Nichole Autumn Moore


    Born in Shreveport, Louisiana, Nikki never fit in. She found a crowd to make her own that was infested with dope fiends and users. After overdosing on heroin at 18, a religious experience compelled her to go to New Orleans. Years later, in 2013, she met Aldric Ivanov (Not my character. Belongs to a friend) and, after a long summer of torture and pain, she emerged as one of his projects, an attempt to take someone and make them perfect. Within months of meeting him, and shortly after becoming a vampire instead of a ghoul, Ivanov met his final death. Nikki was distraught, but managed to still hold on to her position as Toreador Primogen until New Orleans' vampire culture went up in flames. She ran off to the Nevada desert with Colonel McReilly (Another friend's character) and Noel (Yet another friend's character) where they lived for two years with no notable incidents. That is, until Nikki saw Ivanov's face on a flyer in Las Vegas, advertising him as the headliner in a dive bar.