
  • April McKendrick

    April McKendrick


    Daughter of two successful, wealthy doctors, its not surprising that April shows a knack for eccentricity and intelligence. At the age of 17, she can play both the piano and the flute, as well as speak fluent French and Italian, along with English of course. With her overbearing parents and their high expectations, and her low-paying job at the local video store, it's no wonder April wants the chance to spread her wings and explore her more creative side. Her most profound hobby is drawing, showing a promising talent with all kinds of mediums, from pencil and marker to charcoal and pastel. She is frequently fickle and indecisive, her hair color, taste in music, and even favorite color subject to change at a moment's notice. Somewhat bi-curious, April is more of a go with the flow kind of girl, taking whatever life throws at her with stride.

  • Dillon Monohan

    Dillon Monohan


    A strange and quirky boy, sixteen-year-old Dillon Monohan has the appearance of the stereotypical "emo" boy, though he detests the word and doesn't hesitate to lose his temper when the term is used to describe him or anyone else in his presence. Very hotheaded and somewhat arrogrant, Dillon has a habit of letting his ego get the best of him. Fiercly competetitive and easily annoyed, Dillon's more negative attributes are balanced out by his cheery disposition and light sense of humor. A victim of unpredictable mood swings, he can be your best friend one minute, only to tear you to shreds with his sarcastic remarks and unforgiving insults the next. Not exactly progressive in exploring his sexuality, the only person Dillon feels completely comfortable discussing the subject with his best friend, April McKendrick. Since the fourth grade the pair have been inseperable, going through numerous trials and tribulations together. Though he puts on a tough front, Dillon is extremely sensitive and easily put off by the slightest remark. A true Leo, he takes criticism to a whole other level, the slightest inclination of unsatisfactory performance shattering him to the core. He finds solace in his paintings, the colors and content of each of his pieces of work betraying the emotions pent up inside him.

  • Marcus Pratt

    Marcus Pratt


    After a sufficiently awkward collision involving his shin and Dillon's forehead, this ice cream loving boy was added into the mix. His favorite color is pale green, and he has somewhat of an obsession with Hayley Williams. Other than that, not much is known about him yet.