
  • Candace Marie Heart

    Candace Marie Heart


    Childhood: When Candace was three months old, she moved from Florida to Atlanta Georgia where she would live the rest of her childhood. As Candace got older, she became friends with the next door neighbor, Mike Conall. They became best friends in the fourth grade and were inseparable after that. In the sixth grade, Candace decided she wouldn't have any other friends besides Mike because he was the best friend anyone could ever have. Later on through her life, she took that statement seriously because she wouldn't let anyone come close to her. She always told herself she didn't need anyone else. Mike was the perfect one. When Candace was fourteen, she started to see that her dad wasn't really around anymore. He was always missing parties or holidays; coming home late and having an excuse. In the beginning, Candace believed her dad when he said it was work that was keeping him. One day when she was fifteen, her father came home in a different car, a women driving. That was when it had clicked in Candace's brain. Her father had been having an affair with a women named Kendra. Candace's father left the very same day, Candace never speaking to him for a little over two years. In the middle of her eleventh grade school year, her mother Julie told her that they were going to move away to Maine to live with her father. Candace hated this idea, and didn't want to leave Mike here, but she had no choice. She waited till the last possible moment to tell him that she wouldn't be able to see Mike anymore. He was upset that she hadn't told him sooner, and would not speak to her until she was already in Maine, far away from him. The story Innocence continues on from here...

  • Aiden James Westcott

    Aiden James Westcott


    BIOGRAPHY: Aden James Westcott, born in Europe, 1899, and was an average teenage boy until something happened in the year 1917. Aden was at home with his mother and his older brother, playing with his younger brother, waiting for his father to come home from hunting. But, he didn't come home for four days and when he did, he was starnge. Nicholaus, the father, was too much in pain from the transformation and being thiersty that he was hard to handle. No one could see him though, or he would be burned. Aden and Amy, his mother, tried to help them and cure them, but nothing worked. His father suddenly got enraged one day and bit Aden. Now there were two vampires in the home Trevor and Amy had to take care of. They could not control them both; and it ended in tragety. Aden and Amy became vampires as well, Aden killing his younger brother Kaden when he had not hunted for so long. Nicolaus almost killed Trevor, but Trevor had gotten away from him when travelors saw them near the house, and came to look. All four of them were dead in a split second. Trevor found his way back to his family a few days later, joining his new powerful family. Marissa Wolf, the first Sun Hunter ever been born, was the one that had changed Nicholaus in the first place. Now she was back, ready to have Nicholauus' family join her coven. No one did however. They were all just becoming sivilized, making it possible to live in society even if they were monsters. Aden's father did not survive the second attack from the vampire who changed him in the first place. Once they said no, Marissa vowed to either make them join her, or kill them all. She had told them all that she had a plan to become the ultimate species of earth, and had a secret weapon, but no one listened to her. Along thier way around Europe, they found Clark, roming by himself. They took him in, and kept on traveling through the forest. Nero showed up shortly after, bringing along Ryan. Nero and Aden bonded like brothers. They hunted together, and did everything they could together, liking each other's company. Nero was Aden's new father, the one he had lost years earlier but still yearned for his presence. Marissa caught up with them twenty-five years later, telling them that they had to join or they would all die. Aden was astounded when his new brother Nero willing joined Marissa and her evil coven. Aden would grudgingly never speak to him again. They were on the run again, but it wasn't as bad now. Marissa had gotten one person from thier pack so they thought they were safe. They all moved to the states and lived in Wisconson for awhile, spending thier days with Jasmine, Bram, Ingrid, Joab, and Courtney, the pack that lived in Wisconson. Thirty years later, they moved from Wisconson to lived by themselves down in Tennessee. They lived there for a short while, never seeing Marissa, but once again, they moved. This time however, they moved to Maine and settled into an amazing neighborhood with tons of people. None of them were really noticed, until Candace came into town... Aden fell in love with Canadce quickly, bonding with her. Aden found out shortly that Candace possessed the book that had been in legends all over Europe for over a century. The book was said to have powers that a witch cast apon it, giving the holder all of the powers it held inside it's pages. It had been Aden's Great great great grandfathers book when he had hunted vampires. Seeing it then, Aden began to realize that that was what Marissa had meant by a secret weapon, and she was still searching. When she finds it, she will find him. And when she finds him, she won't ask him to join her coven this time. She will be there to kill.

  • Mike Conall

    Mike Conall


    Short Biography: Mike Conall, now eighteen years old, has lived in Atlanta Georgia his whole life. His best friend Candace Heart moves away acroos the United States to Maine, where she will live with her father until she can move out. Mike, has noticed in the past three years that he doesn't just feel like Candace is his friend. He feels more than that, way more than that. He loves her. Now that she has moved away, he can't tell her that any longer. He got a call from Candace that scared him more than anything; so he went to Maine to find her, to see if she was okay. Once there, he too was placed into the world of vampires. Only he wasn't placed gently. With a night full of torture, he learned that Candace had been up to more than he had thought. Candace had found a new boyfriend, almost forgetting him completely. Not but a few months later, Mike returned to Maine for Candace's birthday. A few times, he thought he was going actually tell her how he felt, but he always chickened out. Finally the time came when he was going to tell her, but before he could, Candace told him she was going to live the rest of her life as a demon, a vampire and spend it with Aden. Mike couldn't tell her then, and just left her in Maine, trying to convince himself that she didn't need him, and vice versa. Two days later, Mike got a special visit from Candace. Candace had told him that Marissa had taklen over the form of her and was pretending to be her. She got a vampire to come in and transform Mike because Candace had told him that the only way to defeat Marissa was to become of the same species. Childhood: Mike and his family moved into thier little house on 3rd street Atlanta Georgia five days after he was out of the hospital. Ever since then, he has lived in the same house, next to the same neighbor. At first encounter, Mike and Candace Heart hated each other to the core. But when fourth grade came around, they were attached at the hip, doing everything they could possibly think of together. As they grew up, thier bond did not lessen, it stregthened. To Mike's disliking however, not in the way he had wanted it to grow. His feelings for Candace grew still as hers stayed strickly on the friendship level. After what felt like an eternity of not doing anything, Mike was ready to act on his emotions, but Candace sprung the topic of moving...across the country. No longer able to do anything about it, Mike sat at home for months, wondering about Candace. They talk every once and awhile, but not like he would have liked. They were drifting so very far apart. Could he do anything to stop it?

  • Clark Westcott

    Clark Westcott


    Aiden's adoptive brother. Only a small part in story.

  • Amy Westcott

    Amy Westcott

    Mother to all Westcott boys, both adopted and biological. Husband killed by a vampire years ago, and is a lawyer for a local firm.

  • Ryan Westcott

    Ryan Westcott


    One of the adopted brothers. Came into the family with Clark and has been there since. More of the quieter type, but still loves to do everything his brothers do.

  • Marissa Wolf

    Marissa Wolf


    The evil being in the series. This is the person that the Westcotts are trying to hide from, and are trying to keep Candace away from. Major part in the story.